21-25 july 2009
Manila, Philippines
ASEUM is an international network of new media art practitioners pushing for cultural, educational, and technological exchange on emerging new media art practices in South East Asia and Europe. Initiated by SABAW Media Art Kitchen (Philippines) and Multimedia Center KIBLA (Slovenia), ASEUM hopes to draw attention to artists, their work, their perspectives and the complex interrelationships between technology, art and culture through various symposia, workshops, and collaborative endeavors.
Discussions on interactive design, networked cultures, the burgeoning open source software movements, interactivity, data visualization, bio-technology, DIY electronics, open-source hardware, computer/electronic music, and sound and video art are among the few topics that will be tackled by some of the most recognized artists working on new media art and technology in Europe and Asia.
This year’s symposium is slated to run from July 21-25, 2009 in Manila, Philippines and is open to all artists, software programmers, engineers, scientists, students, DIY hobbyists, and art enthusiasts. The symposium will feature new media artists from Europe and Asia through a series of interactive sessions, open fora, live audio-video performances and presentations in top universities and renowned artist-run spaces in Metro Manila.
*Please note that the hands-on workshop labs on graphical programming languages Pure Data and DIY sound devices using Arduino can only accommodate a limited number of participants.
To be considered for participation, please submit a 1-2 paragraph essay (not more than 300 words) stating your purposes in joining, including how you can contribute to the symposium given your specialization or field of work. Please also submit your full contact details along with the essay on or before June 30, 2009 to sabawmediahub@gmail.com or contact 09175191511.
Complete details regarding symposium venues, speakers, performers, presentation topics, and program flow available upon request; email chesquita@gmail.com.
ASEUM is sponsored by ASIA-EUROPE FOUNDATION as part of the Follow Up Project (FUP) of the 5th-6th Art Camp New Media and the Mini Summit on New Media Art policy & practice.
Feel free to disseminate this email to interested parties, to blogs, websites, the like.
Thank you for your time.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

22-25 JULY 2009
PHINMA Training Center
Tagaytay City, PHILIPPINES
The Decade of Dignity and Development, WYA 1999-2009, is a celebration of WYA's ten years promoting the dignity of the person in policy and culture. The DDD celebrations will showcase young people, public and private sector leaders, and best practices around the world. WYA Asia Pacific (WYAAP) will be hosting a 4-day international conference for the region's youth in July 22-25, 2009 in Tagaytay City, Philippines.
The WYAAP conference will focus on Good Governance and Marginalization, two important issues in the Asia Pacific region. Marginalization is prevalent in all our countries and may be experienced in different ways – because of one's religion, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. WYAAP is always searching for ways to address these development concerns and realizes that the key is good governance. For good governance to become reality, it is the responsibility not only of the government, but also of civil society and the business sector. To further understand the effects of marginalization, individuals and organizations from the different sectors will be invited to share how their practices address the problems that we face.
As stated in WYA’s Declaration on Development, authentic development happens when it is based on the understanding and recognition of the dignity of the human person. As such, WYA believes that the authentic development of society can occur only in a culture that fosters integral human development. Each person has
dignity, which is inviolable and does not change regardless of one’s circumstances in life.
Together with this understanding comes the important role that good governance plays. The WYA Declaration on Good Governance recognizes that good governance stems from th e responsibility of every person, a t all levels of society, to work in solidarity for the protection of hu ma n dignity. Leaders bear a particular responsibility to uphold the dignity of the human person in their governance. This event will create awareness of prevalent issues a nd provide a venue for valuabl e discussions and cultural exchange s to promote human dignity. This will strengthen an Asia-Pacific wide yout h cooperation to implement projects among participating organizations, explore potential areas of collaboration, and lay the groundwork for long-term partnerships.
For application details, kindly visit:
Friday, May 22, 2009
Scholarship= Italy
The Italian Embassy is pleased to inform that, for the academic year 2009-2010, the General Directorate for Cultural Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering 16 monthly allowances as study grants to Filipino citizens, to be subdivided among the selected candidates.
Study grants are awarded for study or research at the following types of State or otherwise legally accredited institutions:
- Universities or Polytechnics;
- Institutes for advanced artistic or musical training;
- Restoration Institutes;
- The National school of Cinema;
- University colleges, research labs or centers, libraries, archives and museums associated with graduate and undergraduate university courses in which the candidate is obliged to enroll.
Grants may not be awarded for study in the following contexts:
- Foreign Institutions (universities, academies, libraries, schools of any sort) even if they are located in Italy;
- Non-accredited private research centers or labs.
The only exceptions are the European University Institute - an intergovernmental university institution linked with community institutions - and legally accredited private universities, for courses leading to educational credentials with legal value in Italy.
Potential candidates are allowed to apply for study grants in the following courses:
- LANGUAGE COURSES OF VARYING DURATION: also in preparation for enrolment in university and post-university degree courses in Italy.
- INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSITY COURSES: All topics are included; at the conclusion of the course the grant holder will be required to take the related examination.
- DEGREE COURSES: Since enrolment in some degree courses involves a selection process, in accordance with Law no. 264/99, candidates are best advised to submit alternative study programs, even at more than one university, in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the course of study chosen. The same type of study and degree must be maintained. Candidates should also keep in mind that their program of study must be submitted within the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course in order to exercise the right to that grant in that period of time. Finally, it should be specified that, once enrolled in a degree course, changes in type of study or location are no longer admissible, at the risk of annulment of the grant.
- COURSES IN ADVANCED MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC TRAINING: To be completed at advanced music, art and dance training institutes (academies, conservatories, ISIA, etc.), at institutes of restoration and the National School of Cinema, for which a high school diploma is required.
- RESEARCH: in all disciplines, with the obligation of enrolment in and attendance of undergraduate and post-graduate university courses. A letter of acceptance from the dean of the academic institution is obligatory. At course end the grant holder will be required to take an exam; this obligation does not exist for grant holders doing work at the CNR, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and other research bodies of the same level.
- POST-GRADUATE UNIVERSITY COURSES: Courses for the Masters I and II level (of at least one academic year’s duration), doctorate in research and specializations:
o DOCTORATE IN RESEARCH. Each individual university has its own rules for admission to the doctorate in research, and it is recommended that these be consulted by checking the institution’s internet site. Since this is generally a competitive selection process, it would be advisable to submit an alternative programme remaining within the same field of study or research in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the doctorate. In order to increase the chances of success it would be advisable to apply to several universities. Be reminded also that candidates must prepare a program of study to be carried out in the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course.
o MASTERS. The diplomatic representations will see to it that grant candidates are informed of the high costs involved and the possibility that the masters program will require studying in institutions outside of Italy, sometimes for months at a time. Moreover, admission to a masters program often involves a selection process and a minimum number of students, therefore the grant holder should be informed of the real possibility of enrolling in the course since there is the risk of losing the grant benefit if the master course is cancelled.
o SPECIALISATIONS. Excluded are the medical disciplines (see Law no. 257 of 08.08.1991).
- ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSES FOR TEACHERS OF ITALIAN: Italian language and culture courses are reserved for non-Italian teachers of the Italian language and university students of Italian enrolled for at least 3 years. Grants are awarded for the study of the Italian language, and the teaching of it, at the universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Rome (Roma Tre) or other accredited institutions that issue certificates of Italian as a Second Language (L2).
It should be noted that candidates for grants for post- and under-graduate university courses with a study plan requiring part of the program to take place outside the principle academic–scientific institution in which the student is enrolled, must specify this when applying in order to allow the Directorate General enough time to arrange for payment through the Provincial Treasury offices.
With the only exception of brief Italian language and culture courses (1, 2 or 3 months) the study grants awarded are for 3, 6, 9 or 12 months. Applications for grants of a different duration cannot be accepted.
The study grants can be only used for the period from October 2009 to September 2010.
Please be advised that for the academic year 2009-2010 the monthly allowances granted will be paid only from January 2010, consequently the expenses for the period October-December 2009 must be covered by the scholars.
To be eligible for study grants, except in the case of language course, students must have the following prerequisites:
1) Knowledge of the Italian language is a prerequisite of basic importance and must be certified or ascertained in an interview at the Italian Cultural Institute or at the cultural office of the local authorized diplomatic-consular representation or at the Italian studies department of the candidate’s university.
2) Educational Credentials Candidates must have the credentials requested for enrolment in the institution of their choice. All credentials and certificates of study must be submitted along with their Italian translation, which must be certified as conforming with the foreign language texts by the locally authorized Italian diplomatic-consular representation, i.e. by an official translator along with a statement attesting to the authenticity of the credentials prepared by the locally authorized diplomatic-consular representation.
- To enroll in degree courses at Italian universities the candidate must have a secondary school diploma valid for enrolment in university.
- To enroll in Masters I or II programs at Italian universities, candidates must have a degree equal to the Italian baccalaureate, along with any other documentation that may be required by the chosen institution.
- To be admitted to individual courses the certificate of enrolment issued by the university for foreigners is normally enough.
- Admission to art and music institutes usually requires certification of having concluded a cycle of secondary school studies valid for admission to accredited State academies or conservatories.
- For admission to Italian language and culture courses a secondary school diploma is required.
Please note that for the credentials required for admission to Italian universities it is advisable to check the provisions issued annually by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MUIR) at http://www.miur.it > università >studenti >studenti stranieri >documentazione.
Terms of application and deadline
Applicants must complete the interactive multilingual application form which is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website at the following addresses: http://www.esteri.it > opportunita’ > stranieri > borse di studio and http://borseonline.esteri.it/borseonline/it/index.asp
The Deadline for the transmission of application form is June 10, 2009.
After completing and transmitting the application form via internet, applicants must send to the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Italy the following documents:
- Hard copy of the Application Form, which has previously transmitted via internet to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, duly signed, dated, and with photo in ID format.
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae with contact numbers.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from Academic Professors or Authorities.
- Letter of acceptance issued by the Italian University or Institution where the applicant intends to pursue his/her studies.
The Deadline for the submission of the above listed documents is June 20, 2009.
The documents can be sent via courier to the:
Embassy of Italy to the Philippines
6/F Zeta Building
191 Salcedo Street , Legaspi Village
Makati City
or submitted to the Italian Embassy during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Only the Applications sent in compliance with the procedures and regulations above listed will be accepted.
Acceptance of applications will be notified via e-mail.
Eligible candidates, selected by a Joint Committee composed of the Ambassador of Italy (or other members of the Embassy), as well as University Deans and professors and other Filipino cultural authorities, will be notified via e-mail and requested to submit the following documentation:
- Citizenship Certificate or equivalent;
- Medical Certificate with translation in Italian attesting the candidate’s good health;
- Copy of Passport or ID;
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from Academic Professors or Authorities;
- High School and University Transcripts with Italian translation.
The above said documentation has to be submitted on or before July 2, 2009.
Additional information
Age limit: 35
Airfare: covered by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Accommodation: not included in the monthly allowance.
Insurance: health and accident insurance will be covered by the scholarship, except in case of previous illnesses, dental care or accident in consequence of dangerous activities.
Contact person: the Cultural Office of the Italian Embassy will get in touch with a Tutor, belonging to the Institution where the scholar is going to study, who will assist the recipient of the scholarship in his/her study or research.
Enrollment: pre-enrollment will be processed by the Embassy. The applicants must submit within July 15, 2009 the following documentation:
- 3 photos
- Photocopy of the passport or of the ID.
- Certified true copy of Diploma or Degree with translation into Italian. Only documents certified by the Department of Foreign Affairs will be accepted.
Visa: the Italian Embassy is authorized to release a visa for study to successful applicants as soon as the authorization regarding the grant is officially communicated. The Visa issued will then expire at the end of the period of their courses.
The announcement, the application forms and list of required documents can be downloaded from the website http://www.esteri.it/MAE/IT/Ministero/Servizi/Stranieri/Opportunita/
Study grants are awarded for study or research at the following types of State or otherwise legally accredited institutions:
- Universities or Polytechnics;
- Institutes for advanced artistic or musical training;
- Restoration Institutes;
- The National school of Cinema;
- University colleges, research labs or centers, libraries, archives and museums associated with graduate and undergraduate university courses in which the candidate is obliged to enroll.
Grants may not be awarded for study in the following contexts:
- Foreign Institutions (universities, academies, libraries, schools of any sort) even if they are located in Italy;
- Non-accredited private research centers or labs.
The only exceptions are the European University Institute - an intergovernmental university institution linked with community institutions - and legally accredited private universities, for courses leading to educational credentials with legal value in Italy.
Potential candidates are allowed to apply for study grants in the following courses:
- LANGUAGE COURSES OF VARYING DURATION: also in preparation for enrolment in university and post-university degree courses in Italy.
- INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSITY COURSES: All topics are included; at the conclusion of the course the grant holder will be required to take the related examination.
- DEGREE COURSES: Since enrolment in some degree courses involves a selection process, in accordance with Law no. 264/99, candidates are best advised to submit alternative study programs, even at more than one university, in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the course of study chosen. The same type of study and degree must be maintained. Candidates should also keep in mind that their program of study must be submitted within the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course in order to exercise the right to that grant in that period of time. Finally, it should be specified that, once enrolled in a degree course, changes in type of study or location are no longer admissible, at the risk of annulment of the grant.
- COURSES IN ADVANCED MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC TRAINING: To be completed at advanced music, art and dance training institutes (academies, conservatories, ISIA, etc.), at institutes of restoration and the National School of Cinema, for which a high school diploma is required.
- RESEARCH: in all disciplines, with the obligation of enrolment in and attendance of undergraduate and post-graduate university courses. A letter of acceptance from the dean of the academic institution is obligatory. At course end the grant holder will be required to take an exam; this obligation does not exist for grant holders doing work at the CNR, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and other research bodies of the same level.
- POST-GRADUATE UNIVERSITY COURSES: Courses for the Masters I and II level (of at least one academic year’s duration), doctorate in research and specializations:
o DOCTORATE IN RESEARCH. Each individual university has its own rules for admission to the doctorate in research, and it is recommended that these be consulted by checking the institution’s internet site. Since this is generally a competitive selection process, it would be advisable to submit an alternative programme remaining within the same field of study or research in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the doctorate. In order to increase the chances of success it would be advisable to apply to several universities. Be reminded also that candidates must prepare a program of study to be carried out in the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course.
o MASTERS. The diplomatic representations will see to it that grant candidates are informed of the high costs involved and the possibility that the masters program will require studying in institutions outside of Italy, sometimes for months at a time. Moreover, admission to a masters program often involves a selection process and a minimum number of students, therefore the grant holder should be informed of the real possibility of enrolling in the course since there is the risk of losing the grant benefit if the master course is cancelled.
o SPECIALISATIONS. Excluded are the medical disciplines (see Law no. 257 of 08.08.1991).
- ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSES FOR TEACHERS OF ITALIAN: Italian language and culture courses are reserved for non-Italian teachers of the Italian language and university students of Italian enrolled for at least 3 years. Grants are awarded for the study of the Italian language, and the teaching of it, at the universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Rome (Roma Tre) or other accredited institutions that issue certificates of Italian as a Second Language (L2).
It should be noted that candidates for grants for post- and under-graduate university courses with a study plan requiring part of the program to take place outside the principle academic–scientific institution in which the student is enrolled, must specify this when applying in order to allow the Directorate General enough time to arrange for payment through the Provincial Treasury offices.
With the only exception of brief Italian language and culture courses (1, 2 or 3 months) the study grants awarded are for 3, 6, 9 or 12 months. Applications for grants of a different duration cannot be accepted.
The study grants can be only used for the period from October 2009 to September 2010.
Please be advised that for the academic year 2009-2010 the monthly allowances granted will be paid only from January 2010, consequently the expenses for the period October-December 2009 must be covered by the scholars.
To be eligible for study grants, except in the case of language course, students must have the following prerequisites:
1) Knowledge of the Italian language is a prerequisite of basic importance and must be certified or ascertained in an interview at the Italian Cultural Institute or at the cultural office of the local authorized diplomatic-consular representation or at the Italian studies department of the candidate’s university.
2) Educational Credentials Candidates must have the credentials requested for enrolment in the institution of their choice. All credentials and certificates of study must be submitted along with their Italian translation, which must be certified as conforming with the foreign language texts by the locally authorized Italian diplomatic-consular representation, i.e. by an official translator along with a statement attesting to the authenticity of the credentials prepared by the locally authorized diplomatic-consular representation.
- To enroll in degree courses at Italian universities the candidate must have a secondary school diploma valid for enrolment in university.
- To enroll in Masters I or II programs at Italian universities, candidates must have a degree equal to the Italian baccalaureate, along with any other documentation that may be required by the chosen institution.
- To be admitted to individual courses the certificate of enrolment issued by the university for foreigners is normally enough.
- Admission to art and music institutes usually requires certification of having concluded a cycle of secondary school studies valid for admission to accredited State academies or conservatories.
- For admission to Italian language and culture courses a secondary school diploma is required.
Please note that for the credentials required for admission to Italian universities it is advisable to check the provisions issued annually by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MUIR) at http://www.miur.it > università >studenti >studenti stranieri >documentazione.
Terms of application and deadline
Applicants must complete the interactive multilingual application form which is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website at the following addresses: http://www.esteri.it > opportunita’ > stranieri > borse di studio and http://borseonline.esteri.it/borseonline/it/index.asp
The Deadline for the transmission of application form is June 10, 2009.
After completing and transmitting the application form via internet, applicants must send to the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Italy the following documents:
- Hard copy of the Application Form, which has previously transmitted via internet to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, duly signed, dated, and with photo in ID format.
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae with contact numbers.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from Academic Professors or Authorities.
- Letter of acceptance issued by the Italian University or Institution where the applicant intends to pursue his/her studies.
The Deadline for the submission of the above listed documents is June 20, 2009.
The documents can be sent via courier to the:
Embassy of Italy to the Philippines
6/F Zeta Building
191 Salcedo Street , Legaspi Village
Makati City
or submitted to the Italian Embassy during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Only the Applications sent in compliance with the procedures and regulations above listed will be accepted.
Acceptance of applications will be notified via e-mail.
Eligible candidates, selected by a Joint Committee composed of the Ambassador of Italy (or other members of the Embassy), as well as University Deans and professors and other Filipino cultural authorities, will be notified via e-mail and requested to submit the following documentation:
- Citizenship Certificate or equivalent;
- Medical Certificate with translation in Italian attesting the candidate’s good health;
- Copy of Passport or ID;
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from Academic Professors or Authorities;
- High School and University Transcripts with Italian translation.
The above said documentation has to be submitted on or before July 2, 2009.
Additional information
Age limit: 35
Airfare: covered by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Accommodation: not included in the monthly allowance.
Insurance: health and accident insurance will be covered by the scholarship, except in case of previous illnesses, dental care or accident in consequence of dangerous activities.
Contact person: the Cultural Office of the Italian Embassy will get in touch with a Tutor, belonging to the Institution where the scholar is going to study, who will assist the recipient of the scholarship in his/her study or research.
Enrollment: pre-enrollment will be processed by the Embassy. The applicants must submit within July 15, 2009 the following documentation:
- 3 photos
- Photocopy of the passport or of the ID.
- Certified true copy of Diploma or Degree with translation into Italian. Only documents certified by the Department of Foreign Affairs will be accepted.
Visa: the Italian Embassy is authorized to release a visa for study to successful applicants as soon as the authorization regarding the grant is officially communicated. The Visa issued will then expire at the end of the period of their courses.
The announcement, the application forms and list of required documents can be downloaded from the website http://www.esteri.it/MAE/IT/Ministero/Servizi/Stranieri/Opportunita/
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Our Common Future
Call for Applications
Global Challenges and the Conference “Our Common Future”
At the beginning of the 21st Century we are experiencing social, environmental, cultural, and technological changes at an unprecedented pace. Even under rapidly changing circumstances it still holds true that the best way of approaching future challenges is actively confronting them, in suggesting and discussing strategies and solutions as well as mapping out new concepts and approaches for the way ahead. Therefore, the Volkswagen Foundation, the Deutsche Messe and the Stiftung Mercator will provide a platform for leading intellectuals, researchers, business people, and politicians as well as promising young researchers and future leaders in all branches of society to enter into a dialogue culminating in the conference “Our Common Future” to be held from 2 to 6 November 2010 in Hanover and Essen.
Invitation to a Dialogue between Generations
It is the objective of the conference to further the exchange of ideas among established as well as upcoming young researchers, politicians, business people, and decision-makers. Eminent speakers such as Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, Homi K. Bhabha, Paul Collier and Nancy Birdsall have already confirmed their participation. The Volkswagen Foundation offers up to 100 grants for highly motivated young researchers from all over the world and invites them to attend the conference, take part in the plenary sessions, topical workshops, and panel discussions.
Applicants can choose between the following five research areas coached by the scientific advisors listed below:
* Climate Change and Energy
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), and Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl (German Research Centre for Geosciences, also at Potsdam).
* Technology: Communication; Mobility; Factory of the Future
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken), Prof. Jutta Allmendinger, PhD; Prof. Dr. Andreas Knie (both Social Science Research Center Berlin), and Prof. Dr. Fritz Klocke (Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology, Aachen).
* Economic and Urban Development
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Stephan Klasen, PhD (Chair of Development Economics, University of Göttingen) and Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas (Chair for Urban and Cultural Geography, University of Cologne).
* Global Health and Molecular Medicine
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Axel Haverich (Hanover Medical School) and Prof. Dr. Karl Lenhard Rudolph (Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Ulm).
* Human Rights; Migration and Integration; Religion and Values
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Jutta Limbach (former President of the Goethe Institute, Munich), Prof. Dr. Dieter Grimm (former Rector of the Institute for Advanced Study - Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Klaus J. Bade (Chairman of the Expert Panel of German Foundations on Integration and Migration), Prof. Dr. Michael Bommes (Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, University of Osnabrück), and Prof. Dr. Hans Joas (Max-Weber Kolleg, Erfurt).
Getting Prepared
In preparation for the conference “Our Common Future” an international and interdisciplinary self-organizing network of young researchers, the “Global Young Faculty”, will meet regularly over the course of the year 2010. The “Global Young Faculty” is initiated and funded by the Stiftung Mercator in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI). The grants offered by the Volkswagen Foundation also include travel funds for the cooperation with the “Global Young Faculty”. Joint workshops will be held in June or July 2010 in Germany. These workshops will provide ample opportunities for fresh thinking and mutual learning from each other.
Please, submit your application before July 31, 2009.
Global Challenges and the Conference “Our Common Future”
At the beginning of the 21st Century we are experiencing social, environmental, cultural, and technological changes at an unprecedented pace. Even under rapidly changing circumstances it still holds true that the best way of approaching future challenges is actively confronting them, in suggesting and discussing strategies and solutions as well as mapping out new concepts and approaches for the way ahead. Therefore, the Volkswagen Foundation, the Deutsche Messe and the Stiftung Mercator will provide a platform for leading intellectuals, researchers, business people, and politicians as well as promising young researchers and future leaders in all branches of society to enter into a dialogue culminating in the conference “Our Common Future” to be held from 2 to 6 November 2010 in Hanover and Essen.
Invitation to a Dialogue between Generations
It is the objective of the conference to further the exchange of ideas among established as well as upcoming young researchers, politicians, business people, and decision-makers. Eminent speakers such as Sir Timothy Berners-Lee, Homi K. Bhabha, Paul Collier and Nancy Birdsall have already confirmed their participation. The Volkswagen Foundation offers up to 100 grants for highly motivated young researchers from all over the world and invites them to attend the conference, take part in the plenary sessions, topical workshops, and panel discussions.
Applicants can choose between the following five research areas coached by the scientific advisors listed below:
* Climate Change and Energy
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research), and Prof. Dr. Reinhard F. Hüttl (German Research Centre for Geosciences, also at Potsdam).
* Technology: Communication; Mobility; Factory of the Future
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wahlster (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Saarbrücken), Prof. Jutta Allmendinger, PhD; Prof. Dr. Andreas Knie (both Social Science Research Center Berlin), and Prof. Dr. Fritz Klocke (Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology, Aachen).
* Economic and Urban Development
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Stephan Klasen, PhD (Chair of Development Economics, University of Göttingen) and Prof. Dr. Frauke Kraas (Chair for Urban and Cultural Geography, University of Cologne).
* Global Health and Molecular Medicine
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Axel Haverich (Hanover Medical School) and Prof. Dr. Karl Lenhard Rudolph (Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Ulm).
* Human Rights; Migration and Integration; Religion and Values
Scientific Advisors:
Prof. Dr. Jutta Limbach (former President of the Goethe Institute, Munich), Prof. Dr. Dieter Grimm (former Rector of the Institute for Advanced Study - Wissenschaftskolleg, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Klaus J. Bade (Chairman of the Expert Panel of German Foundations on Integration and Migration), Prof. Dr. Michael Bommes (Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies, University of Osnabrück), and Prof. Dr. Hans Joas (Max-Weber Kolleg, Erfurt).
Getting Prepared
In preparation for the conference “Our Common Future” an international and interdisciplinary self-organizing network of young researchers, the “Global Young Faculty”, will meet regularly over the course of the year 2010. The “Global Young Faculty” is initiated and funded by the Stiftung Mercator in cooperation with the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI). The grants offered by the Volkswagen Foundation also include travel funds for the cooperation with the “Global Young Faculty”. Joint workshops will be held in June or July 2010 in Germany. These workshops will provide ample opportunities for fresh thinking and mutual learning from each other.
Please, submit your application before July 31, 2009.
Monday, May 18, 2009

Application deadline: Friday 4 September at 14:00 hours (GMT)
The Fifth Curator competition is a unique new opportunity for an aspiring curator to select an exhibition of works from the British Council Collection. We are looking for someone who is based permanently outside the UK, who believes they have the passion and knowledge to be a leading curator. The winning curator will be given unlimited access to the Collection, which includes over 8500 key works of British art and the resulting exhibition will be shown at the prestigious Whitechapel in the vibrant East end of London in April 2010.
The Fifth Curator exhibition will be the fifth and final exhibition in a series of five exhibitions showcasing the British Council Collection in the Whitechapel Gallery. Artist Michael Craig-Martin selected the first exhibition Passports: Great Early Buys from the British Council Collection, focusing on some of the most prescient acquisitions in the Collection’s long history.
‘My selection of works for this exhibition barely scratches the surface of the Collection. For every work I felt able to include there were half a dozen I had to leave out… This is a collection that contains hidden treasures, many of which I know will be included in subsequent exhibitions of this series.’ (Michael Craig-Martin)
For The Fifth Curator exhibition, aspiring curators from outside the United Kingdom are invited to submit an exhibition proposal which features works drawn exclusively from the British Council Collection. We particularly encourage new views and fresh perspectives on the Collection, as these are vital to ongoing debates about British art within an international context. The deadline for applications is 4 September 2009.
In November 2009, six short-listed applicants will be invited to London to take part in a week of professional development with the Visual Arts Department of the British Council. During this week, applicants will be encouraged to refine their proposals with the advice, guidance and resources of the Visual Arts team and they will be given the opportunity to visit the Whitechapel Gallery to view the proposed exhibition space and meet with the Whitechapel curatorial team. At the end of the week, the winning proposal will be selected by a panel of senior art world figures at a special presentation dinner.
The Fifth Curator competition forms part of the British Council’s ongoing commitment to promote the Collection to new audiences, both in the UK and worldwide and to engage aspiring curatorial talent with one of Britain’s finest collections of British Art. It also coincides with the re-launch of the new British Council Collection website (www.britishcouncil.org/collection) which features details on each of the works in the Collection.
Full details of the competition, including details of how to apply, can be found on our website: http://collection.britishcouncil.org/about/news/2210/2212.
For further enquiries please contact Emma.Williams@britishcouncil.org
Thursday, May 14, 2009
2010 Japanese Government Scholarships
Different scholarships are open to all Filipino citizens. Application forms are available at the JICC Library in Manila, the Consular Offices of Japan in Cebu City and Davao City, or may be downloaded from the Embassy Website: (www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp). Deadline for submission of requirements is on May 29, 2009 (Friday) .
The selection process is composed of several stages, i.e. document screening, written exams & interviews. Only selected applicants at each stage will be notified for further instructions.
Free scholarship consultations are also held at the library of the Embassy of Japan every Friday at 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:00-4:30 PM. Interested individuals are requested to bring a valid ID so they can enter the embassy premises.
For more information, visit or call:
Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC)
Embassy of Japan
2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City 1300
Tel #: (02) 551-5710 local 2315 and 2317
Consular Office of Japan, Cebu
7/F Keppel Ctr.,Samar Loop cor. Cardinal Rosales Ave
Cebu Business Park, 6000 Cebu City
Tel #: (032) 231-7321/22
Consular Office of Japan, Davao
Suite B305m, 3/F, Plaza de Luisa Complex
140 Ramon Magsaysay Ave., 8000 Davao City
Tel #: (082) 221-3100
The selection process is composed of several stages, i.e. document screening, written exams & interviews. Only selected applicants at each stage will be notified for further instructions.
Free scholarship consultations are also held at the library of the Embassy of Japan every Friday at 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM and 2:00-4:30 PM. Interested individuals are requested to bring a valid ID so they can enter the embassy premises.
For more information, visit or call:
Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC)
Embassy of Japan
2627 Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City 1300
Tel #: (02) 551-5710 local 2315 and 2317
Consular Office of Japan, Cebu
7/F Keppel Ctr.,Samar Loop cor. Cardinal Rosales Ave
Cebu Business Park, 6000 Cebu City
Tel #: (032) 231-7321/22
Consular Office of Japan, Davao
Suite B305m, 3/F, Plaza de Luisa Complex
140 Ramon Magsaysay Ave., 8000 Davao City
Tel #: (082) 221-3100
Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships

The Australian Leadership Awards (ALA) program aims to develop leadership, build partnerships and linkages within the Asia-Pacific, and address priority regional issues. The ALA program is comprised of Scholarships and Fellowships. Awardees are selected from the public, private and community sectors within countries where Australia has a significant aid program.
ALA Scholarships are offered to high achievers from the Asia-Pacific region to undertake postgraduate study (Masters or Doctorate) at an Australian university. Study programs must relate to AusAID’s priority areas of disability, economic growth, education, environment, food security, gender, governance, health, human rights, infrastructure, regional stability, rural development and water & sanitation. Scholars also undertake an extensive Leadership Development Program while in Australia.
Selection for ALA Scholarships is highly competitive, based on leadership qualities and on academic excellence.
ALA Scholarships are an investment in the future of the Asia-Pacific region. In this regard, ALA scholars are required to return to their home country or the region for two years after they have completed their studies.
Goal of the ALA Scholarship Program
The goal of the ALA Scholarships program closely reflects the objective of AusAID awards. That is, through the provision of award opportunities, AusAID Awards seek to develop capacity of individuals and their workplaces to contribute to
long-term development, stability and security of Australia’s partner countries
establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial linkages between partner countries and Australia, as well as within regional networks
Objectives of the ALA Scholarship Program
By providing ALA Scholarship awardees with opportunities to develop selected leadership skills1 and establish professional networks, the program intends to address the following objectives.
Positive contributions by ALA Scholarship alumni to policies, practices and research relevant to respective country program objectives2, which are relatively greater than the contributions of other AusAID scholarship alumni.
Participation in professional networking opportunities by ALA Scholarship alumni at the local, regional and global level, relevant to respective country program objectives, which is relatively greater than the level of professional networking of other AusAID scholarship alumni.
1 Leadership attributes that are particularly pertinent to development practitioners are strategic thinking (planning skills, inclusive participation and ownership, harnessing communication technology, knowledge transfer, managing for results, and ethical practice) and an inspirational approach (leading by example, effective communication and interpersonal skills).
2 Or nearest equivalent
Leadership Development Program (LDP)
Through the enhancement of leadership skills, ALA Scholarships seek to empower awardees to lead social and economic policy and development outcomes in their own countries and in the region. Current and future leaders in the Asia-Pacific region are provided with a unique opportunity to explore and harness their leadership potential.
AusAID has invested A$10.128 million over four years to deliver a comprehensive Leadership Development Program (LDP) to all ALA scholars.
The LDP comprises a three day conference in Canberra, regional workshops and leadership coaching and practical opportunities. The LDP increases skills in leadership and enhances participants’ understanding of the challenges at national, regional and global levels. The LDP aims to help scholars realise their full leadership potential and provides important networking and collaborative opportunities.
AusAID will accept ALA Scholarship applications for the 2010 academic year from March 19, 2009 until June 30, 2009.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program
The MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology) offers scholarships to foreign students who wish to conduct research on school education at Japanese universities under the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program for 2009 as follows:
( 1 ) Nationality : Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. An applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application is not eligible. Selection is conducted at facilities such as the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General (hereinafter “legation”) located in the country of the applicant's nationality. (This shall not necessarily be applied in cases where one embassy covers multiple nations.)
( 2 ) Age : Applicants must be born on or after April 2, 1974.
( 3 ) Academic Background : Applicants must be a graduate of a university or a teacher-training school and have worked as a teacher of an elementary or secondary educational institution or a teacher-training school in his/her home country for at least five years in total, as of April 1, 2009. (In-service university faculty members are not eligible.)
( 4 ) Japanese Language Ability : Applicants must be willing to learn Japanese and receive research guidance in Japanese. Applicants must also have the ability to do research in Japanese and adapt to living in Japan .
( 5 ) Health : Applicants must be free from any mental or physical disability that would be an impediment to the pursuit of study.
( 6 ) Arrival in Japan : Applicants must definitely be able to arrive in Japan within two weeks counted from the starting day of the study course set by the university in Japan ( It is October as a general rule) and the period set by the accepting university . (If the applicant cannot arrive in Japan during the designated period, travel expenses to Japan will not be paid.)
( 7 ) Visa acquisition : Applicants are required to acquire a “College Student, (ryuugaku( 留学 ))” visa when they come to Japan. Moreover, in exceptional cases when successful applicants have been residing in Japan before their acceptance under a status other than “College Student” and are to change their visa status within Japan , they must acquire a “College Student” visa by the end of the month prior to the month in which they are scheduled to start receiving the scholarship. Furthermore, note that those who change their visa status to something other than “College Student” after arriving in Japan will also lose their qualifications to be a Japanese Government Scholarship student at the point when they change their visa status.
( 8 ) Miscellaneous: Scholarship recipients must apply the results of their research on school education in Japan to their teaching after they return to their home country as well.
( 9 ) The following are not eligible. a. Those who currently qualify as military personnel or military civilian employees. b. Those who can not arrive in Japan during the period designated by the university. c. Applicants who have been awarded a Japanese Government Scholarship in the past will not be selected as a grantee unless at least three years have passed since the first of the month following the final receipt of the previous scholarship, as of October 1, 2009. d. Recipients of scholarships from other institutions (including from his/her own government) will not be selected as grantees of Japanese Government Scholarships. ( 10 ) Study courses implemented Study/training is implemented only for university/training courses indicated in the pamphlet “Course Guidebook for Japanese Studies Students,” distributed at Japanese legations overseas. (The Course Guidebook will also be available on the MEXT website: http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/ryugaku/boshu/08121006.htm )
The term is the period necessary to complete each university's training course and should be between October, 2009 and March, 2011. (Extension of the term is not allowed.)
( 1 ) Allowance : The amount of the scholarship disbursement per month has yet to be determined. However, the figures for the 2008 academic year have been included here for reference. (The monetary amount each year may be subject to change because of budgetary reasons.) Actual amount of scholarship benefits in 2008: 170,000 yen per month, and 160,000 yen from the 13 th month after arrival in Japan given to each grantee. However, the scholarship is cancelled in principle if the grantee is absent from the university for an extended period.
The scholarship will be cancelled in principle in the following cases.
1. A false statement is judged to have been made on the application
2. The grantee has violated any article of his/her pledge to the Monbukagaku-daijin (the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).
3. The grantee has been subjected to disciplinary action like expulsion or removed from registration by the university or institution where preparatory Japanese-language lessons are undertaken.
4. It has been determined that it will be impossible for the grantee to complete the study course within the standard time period because of poor academic grades or suspension from the university.
5. The grantee's status, as defined in the Appended Table I-4 of the Immigration Act, has been changed into one other than “College Student.”
6. The grantee has received a scholarship from another institution (excluding those specified as being for research expenditures).
( 2 ) Transportation
a. Transportation to Japan : The grantee will be provided, according to his/her itinerary and route as designated by MEXT, with an economy class air ticket from the international airport nearest to his/her home address * to the New Tokyo International Airport (or any other international airport that the appointed university uses as a normal route).Expenses such as inland transportation from his/her home address to the international airport, and expenses within Japan such as the airport tax, the airport usage and special taxes on travel will NOT be provided and should be borne by the student. (*The address in the country of the grantee's nationality stated on the application form is in principle considered as the grantee's “home address”). Moreover, an air ticket will not be provided from a country other than that of the grantee's nationality.
b. Transportation from Japan : A grantee who returns to his/her home country within the fixed period after the expiration of his/her scholarship will be supplied, upon application, with an economy class air ticket for the travel from the New Tokyo International Airport (or any other international airport that the appointed university uses as a normal route) to the international airport nearest to his/her home address*.
(Note) Any aviation and accident insurance to and from Japan shall be borne by the grantee. * In addition, the airport must be one in the country of the grantee's nationality. ( 3 ) Tuition and Other Fees : Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation and tuition at universities will be paid by the Japanese Government.
(1) The Japanese Embassy/Consulate General will carry out the preliminary screening from among applicants by means of an interview, a written examination, and a review of the submitted documents.
(2) Results of the preliminary screening examination will be notified on the date separately designated by the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General.
(3) Candidates who pass the preliminary screening examination will be recommended by the Embassy/Consulate General to MEXT.
(4) MEXT will conduct a final screening examination for the candidates recommended by the Embassy/Consulate General and select the national scholarship recipients.
(Note) In order to judge the level of language education needed for successful candidates after their arrival in Japan, written examinations in Japanese and English will be given for reference purposes at the time of the preliminary screening examination.
( 1 ) MEXT, in consultation with the university concerned, will decide on the university in which each grantee shall be enrolled, taking into consideration the study courses he/she wishes to be enrolled in. Objections regarding the university placement will not be allowed.
( 2 ) The training at universities will be conducted in Japanese, in principle.
( 3 ) Foreign students whose Japanese language ability is insufficient will undergo Japanese-language education in a Japanese language study course at the appointed university or at a university designated by MEXT. Japanese -language education is generally provided for six months at the beginning of the program, but some of the accepting universities may conduct Japanese language education parallel to the training.
( 4 ) The training is formed of general courses and an advanced program in special fields indicated in advance that take advantage of each university's distinct features. It mainly consists of educational administration (such as educational administration and finance, school management), educational methods (ex. classroom teaching, learning system theory, curriculum, educational assessment), specialized subject research (ex. mathematics, physics, chemistry, gymnastics), and observational tours and practice (ex. class observation, participation in special educational activities, tours of educational research facilities). Guidance plans will be organized flexibly according to the research themes the foreign students wish to study.
( 5 ) A grantee who has completed a specified course at the university concerned will be given a certificate. However, the purpose of this scholarship program is not to obtain a diploma. Therefore, a grantee cannot be enrolled in an undergraduate course at a university or a Master's or doctorate course at a graduate school as a Japanese-government-sponsored (MEXT) foreign student during the term of or right after the completion of this program.
( 1 ) Each grantee is advised to learn the Japanese language and to acquire some information on Japanese weather, climate, customs, university education and conditions sufficiently in advance before coming to Japan.
( 2 ) The grantee should b ring approximately US $1,500 or the equivalent to cover immediate needs after arrival in Japan
( 3 ) Accommodations:
1. The foreign Student Houses, operated by JASSO Grantees enrolled at universities in Tokyo , Osaka and Kobe may reside at one of the Foreign Student Houses operated by JASSO if they so desire and also meet the set conditions for residence. However, because of the limited number of rooms, these dormitories may not be able to accommodate all the students who wish to live in them.
2. Residence halls for foreign students established by national university corporations. National university corporations have residence halls for foreign students. The grantees enrolled at national universities where such facilities are available may reside, if they so desire, at these residence halls under certain conditions. However, because of the limited number of rooms, some of these facilities may not be able to accommodate all the students who wish to live in them.
3. Private boarding houses or apartments. Those who are not able to find accommodation in the aforementioned facilities may live in a regular dormitory of the university or in a private boarding house/apartment introduced by the university. It is very difficult for grantees with dependents to find appropriate housing in Japan . The grantee is requested to arrive in Japan alone first to secure housing before having his/her spouse and/or family come over to Japan .
( 4 ) More detailed information on this scholarship program is available and queries about it and points that are unclear may be asked at the Japanese legation.
FORMS HERE: http://www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp/culture/scholarship/teacher.htm
( 1 ) Nationality : Applicants must have the nationality of a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan. An applicant who has Japanese nationality at the time of application is not eligible. Selection is conducted at facilities such as the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General (hereinafter “legation”) located in the country of the applicant's nationality. (This shall not necessarily be applied in cases where one embassy covers multiple nations.)
( 2 ) Age : Applicants must be born on or after April 2, 1974.
( 3 ) Academic Background : Applicants must be a graduate of a university or a teacher-training school and have worked as a teacher of an elementary or secondary educational institution or a teacher-training school in his/her home country for at least five years in total, as of April 1, 2009. (In-service university faculty members are not eligible.)
( 4 ) Japanese Language Ability : Applicants must be willing to learn Japanese and receive research guidance in Japanese. Applicants must also have the ability to do research in Japanese and adapt to living in Japan .
( 5 ) Health : Applicants must be free from any mental or physical disability that would be an impediment to the pursuit of study.
( 6 ) Arrival in Japan : Applicants must definitely be able to arrive in Japan within two weeks counted from the starting day of the study course set by the university in Japan ( It is October as a general rule) and the period set by the accepting university . (If the applicant cannot arrive in Japan during the designated period, travel expenses to Japan will not be paid.)
( 7 ) Visa acquisition : Applicants are required to acquire a “College Student, (ryuugaku( 留学 ))” visa when they come to Japan. Moreover, in exceptional cases when successful applicants have been residing in Japan before their acceptance under a status other than “College Student” and are to change their visa status within Japan , they must acquire a “College Student” visa by the end of the month prior to the month in which they are scheduled to start receiving the scholarship. Furthermore, note that those who change their visa status to something other than “College Student” after arriving in Japan will also lose their qualifications to be a Japanese Government Scholarship student at the point when they change their visa status.
( 8 ) Miscellaneous: Scholarship recipients must apply the results of their research on school education in Japan to their teaching after they return to their home country as well.
( 9 ) The following are not eligible. a. Those who currently qualify as military personnel or military civilian employees. b. Those who can not arrive in Japan during the period designated by the university. c. Applicants who have been awarded a Japanese Government Scholarship in the past will not be selected as a grantee unless at least three years have passed since the first of the month following the final receipt of the previous scholarship, as of October 1, 2009. d. Recipients of scholarships from other institutions (including from his/her own government) will not be selected as grantees of Japanese Government Scholarships. ( 10 ) Study courses implemented Study/training is implemented only for university/training courses indicated in the pamphlet “Course Guidebook for Japanese Studies Students,” distributed at Japanese legations overseas. (The Course Guidebook will also be available on the MEXT website: http://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/ryugaku/boshu/08121006.htm )
The term is the period necessary to complete each university's training course and should be between October, 2009 and March, 2011. (Extension of the term is not allowed.)
( 1 ) Allowance : The amount of the scholarship disbursement per month has yet to be determined. However, the figures for the 2008 academic year have been included here for reference. (The monetary amount each year may be subject to change because of budgetary reasons.) Actual amount of scholarship benefits in 2008: 170,000 yen per month, and 160,000 yen from the 13 th month after arrival in Japan given to each grantee. However, the scholarship is cancelled in principle if the grantee is absent from the university for an extended period.
The scholarship will be cancelled in principle in the following cases.
1. A false statement is judged to have been made on the application
2. The grantee has violated any article of his/her pledge to the Monbukagaku-daijin (the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology).
3. The grantee has been subjected to disciplinary action like expulsion or removed from registration by the university or institution where preparatory Japanese-language lessons are undertaken.
4. It has been determined that it will be impossible for the grantee to complete the study course within the standard time period because of poor academic grades or suspension from the university.
5. The grantee's status, as defined in the Appended Table I-4 of the Immigration Act, has been changed into one other than “College Student.”
6. The grantee has received a scholarship from another institution (excluding those specified as being for research expenditures).
( 2 ) Transportation
a. Transportation to Japan : The grantee will be provided, according to his/her itinerary and route as designated by MEXT, with an economy class air ticket from the international airport nearest to his/her home address * to the New Tokyo International Airport (or any other international airport that the appointed university uses as a normal route).Expenses such as inland transportation from his/her home address to the international airport, and expenses within Japan such as the airport tax, the airport usage and special taxes on travel will NOT be provided and should be borne by the student. (*The address in the country of the grantee's nationality stated on the application form is in principle considered as the grantee's “home address”). Moreover, an air ticket will not be provided from a country other than that of the grantee's nationality.
b. Transportation from Japan : A grantee who returns to his/her home country within the fixed period after the expiration of his/her scholarship will be supplied, upon application, with an economy class air ticket for the travel from the New Tokyo International Airport (or any other international airport that the appointed university uses as a normal route) to the international airport nearest to his/her home address*.
(Note) Any aviation and accident insurance to and from Japan shall be borne by the grantee. * In addition, the airport must be one in the country of the grantee's nationality. ( 3 ) Tuition and Other Fees : Fees for the entrance examination, matriculation and tuition at universities will be paid by the Japanese Government.
(1) The Japanese Embassy/Consulate General will carry out the preliminary screening from among applicants by means of an interview, a written examination, and a review of the submitted documents.
(2) Results of the preliminary screening examination will be notified on the date separately designated by the Japanese Embassy/Consulate General.
(3) Candidates who pass the preliminary screening examination will be recommended by the Embassy/Consulate General to MEXT.
(4) MEXT will conduct a final screening examination for the candidates recommended by the Embassy/Consulate General and select the national scholarship recipients.
(Note) In order to judge the level of language education needed for successful candidates after their arrival in Japan, written examinations in Japanese and English will be given for reference purposes at the time of the preliminary screening examination.
( 1 ) MEXT, in consultation with the university concerned, will decide on the university in which each grantee shall be enrolled, taking into consideration the study courses he/she wishes to be enrolled in. Objections regarding the university placement will not be allowed.
( 2 ) The training at universities will be conducted in Japanese, in principle.
( 3 ) Foreign students whose Japanese language ability is insufficient will undergo Japanese-language education in a Japanese language study course at the appointed university or at a university designated by MEXT. Japanese -language education is generally provided for six months at the beginning of the program, but some of the accepting universities may conduct Japanese language education parallel to the training.
( 4 ) The training is formed of general courses and an advanced program in special fields indicated in advance that take advantage of each university's distinct features. It mainly consists of educational administration (such as educational administration and finance, school management), educational methods (ex. classroom teaching, learning system theory, curriculum, educational assessment), specialized subject research (ex. mathematics, physics, chemistry, gymnastics), and observational tours and practice (ex. class observation, participation in special educational activities, tours of educational research facilities). Guidance plans will be organized flexibly according to the research themes the foreign students wish to study.
( 5 ) A grantee who has completed a specified course at the university concerned will be given a certificate. However, the purpose of this scholarship program is not to obtain a diploma. Therefore, a grantee cannot be enrolled in an undergraduate course at a university or a Master's or doctorate course at a graduate school as a Japanese-government-sponsored (MEXT) foreign student during the term of or right after the completion of this program.
( 1 ) Each grantee is advised to learn the Japanese language and to acquire some information on Japanese weather, climate, customs, university education and conditions sufficiently in advance before coming to Japan.
( 2 ) The grantee should b ring approximately US $1,500 or the equivalent to cover immediate needs after arrival in Japan
( 3 ) Accommodations:
1. The foreign Student Houses, operated by JASSO Grantees enrolled at universities in Tokyo , Osaka and Kobe may reside at one of the Foreign Student Houses operated by JASSO if they so desire and also meet the set conditions for residence. However, because of the limited number of rooms, these dormitories may not be able to accommodate all the students who wish to live in them.
2. Residence halls for foreign students established by national university corporations. National university corporations have residence halls for foreign students. The grantees enrolled at national universities where such facilities are available may reside, if they so desire, at these residence halls under certain conditions. However, because of the limited number of rooms, some of these facilities may not be able to accommodate all the students who wish to live in them.
3. Private boarding houses or apartments. Those who are not able to find accommodation in the aforementioned facilities may live in a regular dormitory of the university or in a private boarding house/apartment introduced by the university. It is very difficult for grantees with dependents to find appropriate housing in Japan . The grantee is requested to arrive in Japan alone first to secure housing before having his/her spouse and/or family come over to Japan .
( 4 ) More detailed information on this scholarship program is available and queries about it and points that are unclear may be asked at the Japanese legation.
FORMS HERE: http://www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp/culture/scholarship/teacher.htm
2009 Philippines 21 Young Leaders Forum
Asia Society recently announced the opening of a new Class of promising young achievers for the Philippines 21 Young Leaders Initiative. A flagship program of the Philippines Center, the Philippines 21 Young Leaders Initiative aims to develop a network of change-makers across various sectors to meet, educate and inspire each
other; collaborate and share ideas on public service and other meaningful initiatives, and build relationships of trust and understanding.
Nominees must be between 25-40 years old, of Filipino citizenship, and have substantial leadership experience in their chosen field, including but not limited to the following: academe, business, civil society, media, arts and culture, military, and government. Prospective Philippines 21 Fellows must also demonstrate a commitment to devote time and effort to achieve the goals and projects set by their Class.
Upon selection as Philippines 21 Fellows, the Class of 2009 will convene at a 2-day forum where they will engage in roundtable discussions on issues concerning the Philippines and the Asia Pacific region, in preparation for their participation in the international program, with the ultimate goal of developing projects to address these issues. The annual Forum is held in the last week of August and is co-presented by Philippine Daily Inquirer, the official media partner of the Philippines 21 Young Leaders Initiative.
Philippines 21 Fellows serve as the country’s official delegation to the Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit, organized annually by Asia Society’s New York headquarters. This year’s Summit, scheduled for November in Kuala Lumpur, will bring together some 200 of the most dynamic next generation leaders from Asia and the United States.
Nomination forms may be requested from the Philippines 21 Secretariat via email at philippines21@gmail.com or patriciav@asiasoc.org.ph on or before June 22, 2009. For sponsorship opportunities and other inquiries, please call Patricia Vega at (632)7524374. Shortlisted candidates will be notified by the third week of July.
About Asia Society
Asia Society in the Philippines was established in 1999 with a mission to promote understanding of Asia through education. Asia Society presents the uniqueness and diversity of Asian cultures through lectures, exhibitions, films, seminars, conferences, and travel study tours. Asia Society Philippines is a non-profit foundation accredited by the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC) and is supported by membership contributions from foundations, institutions, corporations, and individuals. All donations made to Asia Society Philippines are tax deductible.
other; collaborate and share ideas on public service and other meaningful initiatives, and build relationships of trust and understanding.
Nominees must be between 25-40 years old, of Filipino citizenship, and have substantial leadership experience in their chosen field, including but not limited to the following: academe, business, civil society, media, arts and culture, military, and government. Prospective Philippines 21 Fellows must also demonstrate a commitment to devote time and effort to achieve the goals and projects set by their Class.
Upon selection as Philippines 21 Fellows, the Class of 2009 will convene at a 2-day forum where they will engage in roundtable discussions on issues concerning the Philippines and the Asia Pacific region, in preparation for their participation in the international program, with the ultimate goal of developing projects to address these issues. The annual Forum is held in the last week of August and is co-presented by Philippine Daily Inquirer, the official media partner of the Philippines 21 Young Leaders Initiative.
Philippines 21 Fellows serve as the country’s official delegation to the Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit, organized annually by Asia Society’s New York headquarters. This year’s Summit, scheduled for November in Kuala Lumpur, will bring together some 200 of the most dynamic next generation leaders from Asia and the United States.
Nomination forms may be requested from the Philippines 21 Secretariat via email at philippines21@gmail.com or patriciav@asiasoc.org.ph on or before June 22, 2009. For sponsorship opportunities and other inquiries, please call Patricia Vega at (632)7524374. Shortlisted candidates will be notified by the third week of July.
About Asia Society
Asia Society in the Philippines was established in 1999 with a mission to promote understanding of Asia through education. Asia Society presents the uniqueness and diversity of Asian cultures through lectures, exhibitions, films, seminars, conferences, and travel study tours. Asia Society Philippines is a non-profit foundation accredited by the Philippine Council for NGO Certification (PCNC) and is supported by membership contributions from foundations, institutions, corporations, and individuals. All donations made to Asia Society Philippines are tax deductible.