Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Public Policy and Good Governance 2013 - Information for Students

The deadline for applications for the DAAD Public Policy and Good Governance scholarship program is on July 31! Submit your requirements as soon as possible. For more information about the program, click on this link:


Help Send a Mndanaoan Indigenous Student Attend a Summer Camp in the US

A young Filipino student named Arjean has the opportunity to represent the Philippines this July in an international summer camp in the US called Camp Up with People, and GoodX needs you to help make it happen! 

Arjean is from the Talaandig tribe in Bukidnon, Mindanao and is a Cartwheel Foundation college scholar. 

For details, like Goodxorg on fb! or check their website at http://www.goodx.org 

PhD 2013 Scholarships (Fiosraigh Scholarship Program), Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: PhD 2013 Scholarships (Fiosraigh Scholarship Program), Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland

The Dublin Institute of Technology is delighted to announce its PhD 2013 Scholarships under the Fiosraigh Scholarship Programme. The Irish word Fiosraigh, which means to explore or inquire, underlines the purpose of this scholarship programme which is to promote the exploration and application of knowledge.

The Fiosraigh Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and research proposals should be aligned with the DIT Research Thematic areas:

- Environment and Health
- Information and Media Technologies
- New Materials and Technologies
- Society, Culture and Enterprise

There are eight schemes within the DIT Fiosraigh Scholarship Programme. Each scheme has its own application process and terms and conditions and therefore applicants are advised to read each scheme carefully before applying.

Further information and application forms are available at http://www.dit.ie/fiosraigh

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

4th University Scholars Leadership Symposium


        Humanitarian Affairs, with the support of The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, The United Nations Office on the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and The Philippine Government (under the Commission on Higher Education and Department of Tourism), is hosting its 4th University Scholars Leadership Symposium in Manila, Philippines on August 1 to 7, 2013. The event is a gathering of 1000 youth leaders and representatives from Leading NGOS, Government Agencies and other stakeholders from all over the world.

         The 4th University Scholars Leadership Symposium aims to inspire, motivate and train Global Youth Leaders to do their own Humanitarian Work and make a positive change in their own local communities. The programme is held annually in different countries in Asia and the Pacific: Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.

        This year’s programme is composed of workshops from 12 World Renowned Expert Humanitarians, plenary sessions with 1,000 Global Youth Leaders and outreach activities in partnership with World Vision, Save the Children and Habitat for Humanity.You may wish to check this site for more information: http://universityscholars.tumblr.com/manilasymposium

         For enquiries and RSVP, please contact Ms. Bianca Endaya on +44-77-2299-1311 or send an email to bianca.endaya@humanitarianaffairs.org.uk

Be the Cat@lyst

What is Cat@lyst?

Cat@lyst is a T@ttoo branded initiative that seeks to harness creativity, energy and technology to create change and empower the youth to make a difference in society. In collaboration with Globe Bridging Communities, and the Global Shapers Manila, the CSR initiative will involve a youth challenge that will award cash grants, mentorship, and ICT support to see through the ideation, distillation and incubation of technology-based innovations useful to catalyze change in local communities.


  • To promote the use of innovative ICT solutions as a tool for social change
  • To provide an effective platform where young Filipinos can incubate and transform their ideas into viable programs
  • To provide an avenue for young Filipinos to further develop their initiatives through a multi-stakeholder dialogue and mentorship from development professionals and Information and Communications Technology (ICT) experts


A technology-based solution for the existing community problemCriteria for selection:

  • Innovation: Demonstrates creativity and originality
  • Implementation Feasibility: Proposal should be executable in the given timeline and proponents should demonstrate capability to mobilize stakeholders involved
  • Impact: Provides a long-lasting solution to an existing social problem


  • The applicant must be a Filipino citizen, 18-30 years old.
  • Proposals may be submitted by individuals or a representative of an organization, company, or community.

  • The applicant must be available to attend the development forum, Shapers Lab, on Saturday, June 22, 2013 at the ADB Headquarters in Ortigas, Metro Manila. Financial assistance for transportation and accommodations will be provided for non-NCR based participants.

  • The proposal should not have won in other business plan or project grant competitions of the same magnitude (national, regional, provincial or district), or have received the same amount of funding for its implementation.Proposals may be submitted by individuals or representatives of an organization, company, or community.


All participants must provide the following:

  1. A completed application form downloaded from the GLOBE Catalyst website (click here to download application form).
  1. One-minute video pitching their solution for an existing community problem. Applicants must upload the video on YouTube or Vimeo and ensure that the URL/link is provided in the application form.Guide questions:
  • What existing problem in your community do you want to solve?
  • What is your proposed ICT-based solution?
  • What kind of impact do you hope to make through your project?
  1. Photo/s showing the community you want to help and empower. You may also include links to news articles, videos, or blog entries about the community and/or your project, if already existing.

Email the application form and supplementary materials to globalshapersmanila@gmail.com with the subject “Cat@lyst: __Application“. Save your files under the same name format. Incomplete submissions will be disqualified and will merit no further feedback.



The project will award five (5) winners.PhP 200,000 cash grant, inclusive of ICT supportMaximum of 25% (PhP50,000) only may go to admin cost

For more info, visit http://www.catalyst.com.ph

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Are you an 18 to 30 year old blogger with a passion for “Development Through Empowerment”? Would you like to be the official Social Media Correspondent for the Asia’s Young Partners Forum (AYPF) and the Civil Society Program at the ADB Annual Meeting on 30 April to 05 May 2013 in New Delhi, India?

Here’s how to join the contest:

  1.     Write a compelling blog post on the importance of the youth in driving development. The entry must   be refreshing, inspiring, and reflective of your unique views on the topic.
  2.     Follow @ADBandNGOs on Twitter.
  3.     Tweet @ADBandNGOs the link to your blog entry. Use the hashtag #whyyouth
  4.     Fill up the registration form and send to whyyouth2013@gmail.com
  5.     Make sure your entries are in by 30 March 2013 (23:59hrs +8 GMT)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
Academic Programs & International Conferences

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies
Forthcoming Academic Programs

The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (of the ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy) offers educational programs in partnership with other leading organizations. Educational programs include Certificate Programs, Study Abroad Programs, Distance Learning Programs (designed specifically for  governmental officials, academics, and professionals who are not able to leave their current positions), and Postgraduate Programs (for individuals pursuing careers in academia, diplomacy, government, and/or the private sector, related either wholly or in part to the field of Cultural Diplomacy).

The CCDS is currently accepting applications for the following programs:

Distance Learning Programs in Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: April 1st – 26th, 2013)

MA Program in Euro-Mediterranean & Cultural Diplomacy Studies
(Start: Summer Semester – Berlin, June 3rd, 2013)

MA Program in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: Fall Semester – Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

MA Program in International Economics & Cultural Diplomacy
(Start: Fall Semester – Berlin, October 2nd, 2013)

Study Abroad Programs in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Spring Semester: Berlin, April 15th – June 14th, 2013)

Certificate Programs in International Relations & Cultural Diplomacy
(Spring Program: Berlin, May 1st – 31st, 2013)

To apply, please visit http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/academy/index.php?en_ccds


ICD International Conferences
Forthcoming Conferences 2013
(Berlin, London, Reykjavik, Pretoria, Brussels: March - April, 2013)

The ICD organizes a number of international conferences which take place throughout the year and around the world. The international conferences provide an opportunity for larger audiences to actively participate and engage in lectures, debates, and discussions featuring high-profile figures from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, culture, academia, and the private sector. The events have an inclusive participation policy and are open to individuals from all academic, cultural, and professional backgrounds.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

The London Conference on Cultural Bridges
"State Multiculturalism: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Political, Economic, and Cultural Dimensions"
Co-hosted by the Lord McConnell International Foundation, the Royal Commonwealth Society and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
(London, March 20th - 22nd, 2013)

In our globalized world, Multiculturalism can be viewed as a natural phenomenon and result of the ever-changing global migration patterns. Many countries such as the UK, Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Italy, USA, Australia, and Canada are constantly engaging with active multiculturalism policies, which are continually being amended and reinvented.

The pattern and process of multiculturalism is in fact transforming and increasing following economic, social and political changes in an interdependent and globalized world. It is therefore, essential that governments do not negate from the need to integrate their minority populations, while accepting and accommodating for diversity through policies that ensure better and sustained cultural cohesion.

The London Conference on Cultural Bridges will offer therefore a wide diversity of perspectives on the issue of intercultural relations internationally with a particular focus on the UK. The Conference will create and provide a proposal document that will be presented to the international community on how to overcome multicultural challenges. In addition the proposal document will offer best practices to achieve a successful and harmonic multicultural society. The Conference will also examine, in depth, different examples and best practices of Cultural Diplomacy that might be applied in a different context.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click HERE


The Reykjavík Congress on Human Rights
“Human Rights Protection & International Law: The Multifaceted Dilemma of Restraining and Promoting International Interventions”
Co-hosted by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy & Ministry of Interior of Iceland
(Reykjavik, Iceland; April 10th – 13th, 2013)

The international community acknowledges the increasing and persistent cases of mass atrocities and crimes against humanity occurring on a vast scale.

Understanding the complexity in bringing these crimes to an end, the Reykjavík Congress on Human Rights aims to argue and debate the notion of the responsibility to protect from a human rights perspective, taking into account the divergent dimensions in restraining or promoting international intervention.

Through the discussions and exchange of this conference we aim to consider the current most vehement cases of human rights violations, and further comprehend the varied issues and approaches to these mass atrocities and crimes against humanity from a theoretical perspective, analyzing the complex layers and structures, and taking into account the ethical dilemma surrounding the responsibility to protect and international intervention.

The 2013 Congress will create and publish a discussion document that will be presented to the international community on how to overcome the dilemma of restraining and promoting all forms of International Interventions based on coordinated global coalition efforts between governments, NGOs and International Institutions.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click HERE

The 2013 International Conference on the African Union & Cultural Diplomacy
“African Perspectives: An African Vision for Positive Developments in Africa”
The Conference is Co-organized and Co-hosted by Brand South Africa and the ICD
(Pretoria, April 8th – 12th, 2013)

This unprecedented gathering within the African continent will seek to highlight Africa´s self-attained achievements with regards to its standing in the international community, as well as its increasing emancipation from the often assumed dependency on the Western world. The focus will be on the role and successes of the African Union as an intergovernmental regional organization seeking to combat political, social, and economic inequalities.  Past achievements will be considered while simultaneously accenting the future challenges the AU faces.

It will be demonstrated that the application of Cultural Diplomacy is pervasive within the African Union´s activities, as it has charged itself with the task of uniting highly differentiated cultures within Africa with the aim of achieving ´greater unity and solidarity between the African countries and the people of Africa. Cultural Diplomacy will be shown to support and solidify such efforts.

Conference Location

Based in Pretoria, South Africa, the conference will be hosted at the African Union Parliament and at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Conference Speakers

Speakers during the Conference will include head of state and ministers, leading figures and experts from international politics, economics, academia, diplomacy, civil society, and the private sector. The speakers will also include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. For further information on the ICD Advisory Board, please click here.

Conference Participants

Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & scholars, economists, journalists, artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other interested individuals from across the world

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click HERE


The European-African Alliance Conference 2013
“Enhancing the Inter-cultural Dialogue between Europe and Africa to promote the Stability and economic Development within the two Continents”
(Brussels, April 17th – 19th, 2013)

The ICD recognizes the unique partnership shared by Africa and Europe, two highly diverse yet interdependent continents. To exemplify this fact and further build on this mutually beneficial relationship, the second European-African Alliance will be held by the ICD. As the political epicenter of Europe, Brussels will serve as the venue for this unparalleled conference.

The first part of the conference will begin by exploring the novel opportunities that Africa and Europe can seize in the quest to promote their cooperation in the fields of youth education, women empowerment, and peace and security.  The second topic will offer an in-depth analysis of the current economic situation in both continents, and will provide an insight into corporate behavior and entrepreneurship, allowing parties to exchange expertise. Finally, the conference will integrate Cultural Diplomacy as a highly conducive means of strengthening the European-African alliance.

If you would like to reserve a position and participate in the conference, please click HERE


ICD Young Leaders’ Conferences
Forthcoming Conferences
(Berlin, Brussels, London, Belgrade: March – May, 2013)

The ICD Young Leaders´ Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the past decade, the ICD Young Leaders’ Forums have grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among young individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds from across the world.

We are currently accepting applications for the following conferences:

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Belgrade, April 15th - 19th, 2013)

Cultural Diplomacy in Africa: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Brussels, April 15th - 19th, 2013)

Europe Meets Russia: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Berlin, April 22nd - 26th, 2013)

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Berlin, April 29th – May 3rd, 2013)

The USA Meets Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders
(Berlin, May 6th - 10th, 2013)

To apply, please click HERE

The Australia Awards Scholarships are for high-achieving Filipinos who demonstrate passion for intellectual pursuit and who are committed to development work. The program doesn’t have an age limit and is open to qualified applicants who meet the program’s criteria.

To be eligible for scholarship, applicants must:

  •     be a citizen of a participating country and be residing in and applying for the scholarship from their country of citizenship, except for
  •         applicants working for their government in a third country
  •         applicants residing in the immediate region to which they would be willing to grant an award (e.g. Pacific Island countries considering applicants from other eligible Pacific Island countries), noting that the award will be reported as belonging to the applicant’s country of citizenship.
  •         not be married, engaged to, or a de facto of a person who holds, or is eligible to hold, Australian or New Zealand citizenship or permanent residency, at any of the application, selection or mobilisation phases
  •         not be current serving military personnel
  •         not be applying for a visa to live in Australia
  •         not be applying for another long-term Australia Award unless they have resided outside of Australia for twice the length of the total time that they were in Australia (for example, a previous awardee who has been on an Australia Awards Scholarship in Australia for four years will not be eligible to apply for another Australia Awards Scholarship until they have been home for eight years)
  •         have satisfied any specific criteria established by the applicant’s country or government of citizenship.

The Philippine program also requires that applicants must

  •                 have completed a formal undergraduate degree (for Master’s applicants) or a formal Master’s degree (for PhD applicants)
  •                 have at least two years of work experience (On-the-job training and internships will not be credited to work experience)
  •                 be able to satisfy the admission requirements of the institution at which the award is to be undertaken (this may mean that Post will need to withdraw an award offer if the recipient cannot satisfy the institution’s admission requirements. This may not be known until Post requests a placement at selected institutions)
  •                 be able to satisfy all requirements of the Department of Immigration and Citizenship for an AusAID Temporary Visa (subclass 576). This may mean that Post will need to withdraw an award offer if the recipient cannot satisfy the visa requirements.
  •                 have met the required English language proficiency result << hyperlinked to section on English Proficiency Certification>>

For more information: