December 8-11, 2008
Hong Kong, China
Co-sponsored by the University of Hong Kong
Apply by October 8, 2008
Location: The University of Hong Kong
Faculty: Professor Sebastian Galiani
Who is eligible?
Graduate students and postdoctoral social scientists/faculty who have previously studied some econometrics. The seminar is limited to 20 participants.
Seminar content
This seminar will focus on the use of econometric methods to study the institutions –laws, rules, customs, and norms—that govern real economies and affect transaction costs. Topics to be covered include the investigation of micro data, the evaluation of social programs, and the management of panel data. The sessions will be both theoretical and applied. STATA will be used in a computer lab.
Topics will include
# Basics: linear estimation models, exogeneity and causality, bootstrapping
# Endogeneity: instrumental variables and two-stage least squares
# Linear models for panel data
# Program evaluation: random and stratified design, inference in small samples, matching estimators
# Regression discontinuity designs. double inference methods
# Dynamic panel data models
Professor Sebastian Galiani has published widely in the field of institutions. He is a faculty member of the Ronald Coase Institute and of Washington University in St. Louis, USA. He has twice won the Research Medal of the Global Development Network and numerous other awards for his research.
Three of the four days will be spent on econometric technique. On the remaining day, participants will hear lectures on institutions by Nobel laureate Douglass North and other distinguished scholars from China and abroad, in a conference held at Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
How to apply
# E-mail a copy of your curriculum vita - including your research interests – to seminar2008hk@coase.org.
# Do this before the deadline October 8, 2008.
# As e-mail subject line, use Application for 2008 Hong Kong Seminar.
# Attach your CV as a Microsoft Word .doc file, using filename yyy cv.doc, where yyy is your surname.
The ronald coase institute website is: www.coase.org
Tuition costs will be covered by the Ronald Coase Institute and the University of Hong Kong. You will be responsible for your own transportation and living expenses. Hotel rooms for participants can be arranged for approximately $105 USD per night, including breakfast and taxes.
Some checking shows that what was once the "other" economics department at ND, the Department of Economics and Finance, is now simply the Department of Finance. Looking over its faculty shows quite a few who are still mostly, actually economists, but it is clear that the administration made a decision to move that department to being just finance, with some of its former faculty moving into the new Department of Economics and Econometrics.