Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Visit - Japan Programmes under the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme
ARE you 30 yrs old & above, has experience in supervising teams, has leadership, integrity and character to be able to lead a Philippine Delegation of 20 excellent youth from different parts of the country?
If you answered “yes” to all the questions, this programme is for you.
The Japanese Government through the Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC), Embassy of Japan, in cooperation with the National Youth Commission (NYC) of the Philippines and the Japan International Cooperation Center (JICE), is once again inviting Filipino youths to participate in the Visit - Japan Programmes under the Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths Programme or the JENESYS Programme.
1. ASEAN 10 + Timor Leste Joint Programme
22 Filipino youths who have strong leadership skills will have the opportunity to be part of a delegation bound for Japan to interact with youth leaders from ASEAN 10 countries, Timor Leste, and Japan .
2. 10-Day Visit Japan Programme
Under this programme, 200 Filipino youths who wish to deepen their understanding of Japan and to exchange views with Japanese youths will visit Japan to experience home stays, interact with Japanese youths and visit schools as well as historical and cultural sites.
1. April 20 - April 29, 2010
2. May 11 - May 20, 2010
3. May 25 – June 3, 2010
Application forms and guidelines for both Programmes are available at the National Youth Commission (NYC), the implementing organization in the Philippines. They can also be downloaded from the websites of NYC and the Embassy of Japan. All applications should be submitted to the NYC JENESYS Secretariat.
DEADLINE: December 4, 2009.
For further information, please contact:
Ms. Marielou Chua, Secretariat
4th Floor, Bookman Building
Quezon Avenue, Quezon City
Telephone 781-1406
Japan Information and Culture Center (JICC)
Embassy of Japan
2627 Roxas Boulevard
Pasay City 1300
Telephone 551-5710 local 2315
Friday, November 6, 2009
1st Global Conference "Problems of Democracy
30 April - 2 May 2010

The opening decade of the 21st century sees democracy entrenched as the ideal to which all should aspire who do not already enjoy the best of all possible political systems. But to assert that alternatives to democracy are (even) worse is hardly to give a positive argument in its favour: Plato's objection, that the ship of state requires expertise to steer it that the many do not possess surely deserves a better answer. But what? And is an answer to be found in democracy itself (whatever that may be) or in what democracy makes possible?
And even once that's dealt with, what about actually existing democracy? If, as Zizek argues, 'Multi-party liberal democracy represents a precise vision of social life in which politics is organized so that parties compete in elections to exert control over the state legislative and executive apparatus', is that the best democracy can do? Indeed, just what is to count as democracy? And again, is an answer to this question to be sought in some substantial element of the very idea of democracy or in instrumental terms, such as the practical consequences of adopting this or that view?
This conference is intended as the launch of a continuing and explicitly multi- and inter-disciplinary conversation that aims to bring together people from a wide range of disciplines, professions and NGOs to focus on what democracy might mean; on what if anything might justify democratic as against other social arrangements; and on visions of democratic practice that go beyond the pusillanimous, platitudinous and ultimately self-regarding charade that is the reality of western liberal democracy.
The 'problems of democracy' as outlined below deliberately seek to address large questions as a means of setting something of an agenda for such a project. We will of course be pleased to receive proposals that extend or complement these. We seek contributions from both practitioners and academics, and from the widest possible range of intellectual interests and commitment.
1. What Counts as Democracy?
~ What are the assumptions that lie behind democracy? Is democracy an end in itself, or does it serve other values and goals?
~ Government by, for and of the people: what political, epistemic and/or other commitments might such an ideal entail?
~ Is 'What counts as democracy?' in any sense a moral question?
2. Is Democracy a Good Thing?
~ What exactly does democracy have to recommend it?
~ What are the connections between democracy and equality? And what does equality amount to? Is it self-evident that equality is an end to be pursued; or are there substantive arguments in its favour?
~ How does democracy understand freedom? And is freedom a self-evident good?
~ Alternatives to democracy
3. Forms of Democracy
~ Considerations of representative, delegated and discursive models of democracy
~ Is there a case for lotteries to replace or supplement elections?
~ The scope of democracy: state, nation, corporation, workplace, community and locality
The Steering Group particularly welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals. 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 27th November 2009. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 19th March 2010.
300 word abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats with the following information and in this order: a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e) body of abstract.
Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal; it might be lost in cyberspace! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.
Joint Organising Chairs:
Bob Brecher
Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics
Faculty of Arts, Brighton University,
United Kingdom
Rob Fisher
Network Founder and Leader
Freeland, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
The conference is part of the Probing the Boundaries programme of research projects. It aims to bring together people from different areas and interests to share ideas and explore various discussions which are innovative and exciting.
All papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be eligible for publication in an ISBN eBook. Selected papers may be developed for publication in a themed hard copy volume(s).
For further details about the project please visit:
For further details about the conference please visit:
Deadline: 2009/11/27
Junior Professional Fellows Programme Announcement-United Nations University Office at the UN, New York

United Nations University Office at the UN
New York
February - July 2010
The United Nations University Office at the United Nations in New York (UNU-ONY) is recruiting Junior Professional Fellows (JPFs) for the next session, from 1 February 2010 to 31 July 2010.
Participants in UNU's internship programme are Junior Professional Fellows as this title better reflects the responsibility and opportunity given to young professionals accepted into this programme.
In the following paragraphs you will find information and guidelines for UNU's JPF programme. After carefully reading the information, feel free to apply at this link .
Please circulate this announcement to students, colleagues and friends who may be interested in participating in the programme or in disseminating this great opportunity for young professionals.
The deadline for receiving applications is Nov 15, 2009. Please do not hesitate to consult our website or contact us directly if you have any questions or comments.
Description of UNU-ONY:
UNU is a global institution, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It is an agency of the United Nations, serves as a think tank of and for the UN, and aims to bridge the gap between policy makers and academia.
UNU-ONY showcases the work of UNU done around the world, to the UN System, the Permanent Missions, academia, NGOs, foundations and the private sector. It also assists with fund raising and institutional development of the UNU system.
Junior Professional Fellows' responsibilities:
The responsibilities of the Junior Professional Fellows (JPFs) range widely, encompassing all aspects of UNU-ONY's work. These responsibiliites fit into the following categories:
JPFs organize public seminars and invitation-only forums to showcase UNU's research and work from different UNU Research and Training Centers around the world, and promote a dialogue around global issues relevant to the UN. Responsibilities of event organizers include liaising with speakers, preparing scripts for video interviews, planning the agenda, arranging media coverage, conducting background research and other responsibilities that are needed to make the event a success.
JPFs market UNU Sytem's global activities. Marketing responsibilitites include updating the contents on UNU-ONY's website, basic editing of video and audio files for website postings, and developing partnerships with other organizations to market UNU's news through syndication.
Individuals with multimedia and programming experience are particularly encouraged to apply and highlight their skills.
Partnership- Fundraising
UNU-ONY's central location in New York and close proximity to the Washington D.C. area allow for relationship building with potential partners and donors. Responsibilities include building partnerships with academic institutions, private organizations and civil society stakeholders to further strengthen UNU's visibility within the UN system and beyond.
Policy Research
JPFs work to connect the UNU with the political and diplomatic realms, and assist UNU in becoming a stakeholder and full-fledged partner of the UN system through policy research. Responsibilities include keeping UNU up-to-date on questions arising on the UN agenda and facilitating the UNU response to different developments in the global arena. JPFs are also responsible for contributing to research on a wide range of topics.
Latin America
Given the geographic proximity with the New York Office, UNU-ONY develops partnerships and activities in Latin America. Since Spanish translations can also be an important element in this endeavor, good written and spoken knowledge of Spanish is preferable.
Additional Responsibilities
The Junior Professional Fellows are also responsible for general office work and administrative support, building UNU-ONY's database of experts, as well as assisting in the recruitment process of Junior Professional Fellows for the following session.
Please note that UNU-ONY Junior Professional Fellows positions require full-time commitments due to the high level of responsibilities given to our interns. These are unpaid positions. On the job training and support is provided throughout the internship.
Qualifications required:
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills
* Advanced level of English required (spoken and written)
* Ability to work in a team
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office
* Strong writing and research skills
* Knowledge of at least two official UN languages desirable (preferably French or Spanish)
* Master's degree within relevant subjects preferred
United Nations University, Office in New York
2 UN Plaza, Room DC2-2060, New York, NY 10017
Tel.: 212-963-6387
Fax: 212-371-2144
application form here
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
ASEANpreneurs Youth Leaders Exchange

The ASEANpreneurs Youth Leaders Exchange (AYLE) 2009 is an exchange programme organized by the ASEANpreneurs Youth Leaders Network (NES, NUS) in collaboration with BINUS Entrepreneurship Centre; BEC (BINUS University), bringing together student leaders and entrepreneurs from the respective ASEAN nations and providing a platform for youth entrepreneurship empowerment in ASEAN. It gives youth an opportunity to network with like-minded individuals, develop opportunities and leverage on these networks as well as the ASEANpreneurs resource hub to build successful enterprises in ASEAN.
Hosted in each ASEAN country on a rotating basis, this event provides an opportunity for participants to visit ASEAN countries to learn about their economy and entrepreneurial culture. The comprehensive programme will expose participants to the entrepreneurial environment in each country and will feature seminars, workshops, and activities that will hone the participants’ entrepreneurial skills. We will also ensure participants get to interact with successful CEOs, and other distinguished speakers whom can guide them on their entrepreneurial journey.
ASEANpreneurs Youth Leaders Exchange 2009
AYLE 2009 will be held from 7th to 13th December 2009
AYLE 2009 will be held at BINUS University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
FILL IN THE APPLICATION FORM & ATTACH YOUR RESUME/CV TO THE FORM. Fill it in completely. Ensure all sections are answered. Add your CV into the application form provided. The CV and the application form should be saved under ONE word document, please do not submit more than one document. Create a Zip folder if necessary.
Save your document in this format: (yourname)_(country)_app.doc
Send your completed application form with the subject as [AYLE09]_[YourName]_[Country] to
For more info and to download application, click here
Community Xchange

Thirty development professionals from the Philippines and the UK.
Cultural and professional immersion.
Six weeks. One life-changing experience.
Are you ready to raise your organization to the next level?
Take part in Community Xchange and take your organization to the next level.
Global Xchange is a partnership program that develops and delivers international volunteer exchanges and other activities to help create active global citizens who value volunteering, diversity, community development, and social action.
Through Global Xchange, the international professional development program Community Xchange (CX) was created in partnership between British Council and VSO. CX seeks to make a positive difference to the communities. Community leaders and development workers from the Philippines and UK will work together and learn from each other towards effecting impact at three levels: on the individual participant; their organization; and within their community.
We are inviting 15 Filipino community workers who will act on behalf of their organization or community to undertake a three-week work placement program in Northern Ireland as well as host a UK counterpart in their organization for a corresponding three-week work placement program. Community Xchange will open your organization to new prospects and perspectives in development. Build new networks and engage in active dialogues. Challenge perceptions and stereotypes of global communities. Promote volunteering and measure impact of community initiatives. Increase effectiveness of community leaders in promoting active citizenship. You can be one of the fifteen Filipino participants if you are:
§ At least 25 years old
§ Completed at least secondary education with a good standard of written and spoken English
§ Have significant experience of working with young people (3 years +)
§ Responsible for the implementation of youth oriented program/projects in the Davao region (Davao City and Davao provinces)
§ Can commit 44 work days to the programme: 3 consecutive weeks of work in your organization with a UK counterpart in January 2010 and another 3 consecutive weeks of work attachment in the UK in March 2010, and time to attend preparatory activities
§ Willing to fundraise
§ Willing to explore new and creative approaches to tackle youth issues within one of the programmes themes
§ Supported by an organization that views this program as an opportunity for institutional growth as well.
Visit to access more information about the exchange and to download the necessary forms. Deadline for submission of application is on 13 November 2009. Only applications received on or before the closing date will be screened. Short-listed applicants will be invited to an Assessment Day scheduled on November 18-19, 2009. Preparatory activities start in December 2009. Exchange proper will commence in January 2010. For inquiries, please send an email to
Friday, October 16, 2009
One Young World
Are you, or do you know someone who has potential to be a future leader?
One Young World is seeking Delegates for our Inaugural Summit taking place in February 2010. One Young World Delegates will be selected through a process of nomination by leaders in business, the public sector and the voluntary sector and from individuals from each of the 192 countries in the world. One Young World has asked these leaders to nominate and to sponsor people who were born during or after 1984 and who, in their view might have a positive leadership impact on the world. The Delegates must have the following qualities:
Be a team player
Show leadership potential and skills
Are concerned about global issues and his/her place in the world
Show ability to grasp complex concepts and provide valuable insights
Have a proven record of volunteering and extra-curricular activities (evidence to be supplied)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Chevening Scholarship

What are Chevening Scholarships?
Chevening Scholarships are prestigious awards available to international students for study in the United Kingdom.
Chevening scholarships offer an ideal opportunity for young, high-flying graduates not only to study their chosen subject, but also to meet and network with their peers in the unique learning atmosphere that the UK provides. The ultimate objective is to build a network of friends of the UK, who will be future leaders in their countries.
Candidates are selected by the British Embassy in Manila. The scheme is managed by the British Council on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Deadline: 31 October 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
15th ASEAN Youth Day Meeting & ASEAN Youth Award
The Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement will host the 15th ASEAN Youth Day Meeting & ASEAN Youth Award with the theme, “ASEAN Community building through Youth Volunteerism”.
Date and Venue:
The meeting will be held on October 5 to 7, 2009 in Nay Pyo Taw, Myanmar.
Participant’s Eligibility:
Filipino citizen
Between 15 and 24 years old
Has demonstrated excellence in their field
Has significant contribution to the community and country, as well
An inspirational role model for the community
Can communicate in and comprehend English
Of good moral character
Physically and mentally fit to travel
preferably a first time traveler; former recipients of NYC funded international programs from October 7, 2008 to October 9, 2009 are disqualified to apply
Must have a valid passport until at least six (6) months after the date of the departure for the program
Applicants without any passport details shall not be considered.
Expense and Accommodation:
The host country will cover lunches and coffee break. The delegates are expected to cover their own accommodation and travel expenses.
Transportation to and from Yangon Airport to the venue, Nay Pyi Taw will be arranged by the host country. All participants will be given local transportation services based on their individual flight schedule.
Fill up the registration form and send thru email, or fax, 95-67-404034 on or before September 25, 2009.
For more queries, pls contact the following persons:
U Myint Thein
Daw Thin Thin New
Deputy Director
Department of Social Welfare, Myanmar
Tel.: 96-67-404110, 404370, 95-01-664648
Fax: 95-67-404034
download application here
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Making Growth Work for the Poor: A World Bank photo competition for young people

Making growth work for the poor means making sure that no one is left behind when the economy improves. Households and communities, especially the most at risk, should have better income opportunities and less vulnerability to sudden economic difficulties. They should have better education, good health care, and have access to information and infrastructure, thus empowering them to participate in economic activities and transform their lives.
The World Bank Group will also help national government agencies, local government units, and other sectors of society demonstrate improved accountability and transparency for better economic outcomes.
This photo competition invites the youth to show examples of what “Making growth work for the poor” means, and how they see it happening in their family, or community, or our country.
Who can participate?
The photo competition is open to all young Filipinos, students and out-of-school, between the ages 18 and 25. If you are at least 18 and not older than 25 by September 30, 2009, you can participate.
World Bank staff and their spouses, siblings, or children are not eligible to participate.
Winners will receive the following:
* 1 winner for each of the 5 categories - Php 50,000
* 15 finalists - Php 5,000 each
You can submit entries under any of the following topics/categories:
* Building a stable macro economy
* Making the Philippines a good place to do business
* Working with local communities and improving access to education, health care, safe drinking water, and other basic services
* Protecting the poor, especially in times of economic crisis, natural disasters, and armed conflict
* Improving governance and citizen involvement
Criteria for judging:
* Relevance to the theme (50%)
* Creativity (25%)
* Adherence to standard technical requirements in photography, such as focus, resolution, etc. (25%)
Screening Process
* There will be a pre-screening commitee composed of World Bank staff who will verify the following: availability of entry in photo print format (size 5 x 7 inches); information indicated on the competition entry sheet (doc, 26kb); and relevance of the work to the theme. During the pre-screening, entries will be grouped according to category. The pre-screening committee may change an entry’s category if it determines that it is more appropriate to put it under a category different from what a participant indicated on the entry form.
* The final judging will be based on creativity, relevance to the theme, and adherence to standard technical requirements. Judging will be done by World Bank staff and an independent professional photographer/artist.
Verifications, copyright, and other considerations
Extensive verifications will be made by the screening committee to determine the following: original work, authorship/ownership, and ensure that all entries have not been previously published. Phone interviews and background checks will be made, as appropriate.
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* Entries should be taken with any camera using at least 135mm colored film or digital camera set at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
* Entries should be submitted in at least (5 x 7 inches) prints with border (whether taken with 135mm film or digital camera).
* Using software to adjust a photo’s color, resolution, or similar properties is allowed. However, layering, superimposition, or other similar photo manipulation is not allowed.
* A participant can submit as many entries, but can win only once per category.
* For entries selected in the pre-screening process, the participant will be requested to submit the following: negatives and/or original digital files; and the participant’s photo.
* Participants must attach an entry sheet (doc, 26kb) for each submission.
* Each entry, with the filled-out entry form, must be sealed in an envelope. Only the photo title, category, and the phrase “Entry for Making Growth Work for the Poor Photo Competition” must appear outside the envelope.
* References to specific individuals, firms, or schools, which might reveal the participant’s identity, are discouraged. Do not indicate your name anywhere on your work.
* All submissions must be original. No previously published material will be accepted. Any form of plagiarism will result in automatic disqualification.
* Winning entries will be featured in the World Bank Office Manila 2010 CAS calendar, website, publications, posters, exhibits, and other materials and activities. The photographers will be duly acknowledged when their photos are used in World Bank materials or activities.
* The World Bank shall have the right to use all submitted photographs for non-commercial purposes in activities and media as listed above, with no additional remuneration to the photographer or his/ her institution.
* The World Bank reserves the right to modify the format and content of the submissions for publication purposes.
Submission of Entries
* Entries must be received by 5 p.m. of September 30, 2009.
* Send entries to:
Communication and External Relations,
The World Bank in the PHILIPPINES
23rd Floor The Taipan Place, F. Ortigas Jr. Road, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605
Selection/Announcement of winners
* The Board of Judges will be composed of World Bank staff and a professional photographer/artist.
* The decision of the judges is final and is not subject to appeal.
* Winners will be announced in November 2009.
Back to top
Additional information about the theme and the contest
You can request for an orientation about the World Bank and its programs in the Philippines that are related to the theme “Making Growth Work for the Poor.” Email Erika Lacson at or Kitchie Hermoso at, or call 917-3034, 917-3013.
You can also go to the World Bank Philippines country assistance webpage at
more information here
Thursday, August 27, 2009
DAAD Scholarship Program for the Philippines for Academic Year 2010/2011
A. Research Grants for Doctoral Candidates and Young Academics and Scientists (including the "sandwich program")
Research grants provide an opportunity to carry out a research project or a course of continuing education at a German university or non-university reasearch institute. At
the time of application, no more than six years should have passed since the graduate gained the last degree; in the case of doctoral students, no more than three years should have passed since starting the doctoral process; and in the case of post-docs, no more than four years should have passed since gaining the doctorate.
B. Re-invitations for Former DAAD Scholarship Holders
Former DAAD-scholarship holders can apply for grants for to complete research or a work project at a German state institution of higher education or non-university research institute lasting from 1 to 3 months
The deadline for the submission of applications for these two programs is on October 15, 2009 at the German Embassy.
C. Study Visits to Germany for groups of foreign students
Information visits by groups of foreign students under an academic lecturer with the aim of establishing and developing contacts, undertaking tours, meetings and discussions between the home institution and German institutions in their specific academic field.
Please pay particular attention to the different deadlines for the submission of applications for Study Visits to Germany for groups of foreign students and that the deadlines indicated below are for the date of receipt at the DAAD Office in Bonn. As the DAAD receives numerous applications for this program, please submit your application at least 2 months before the deadline.
- 1 February each year for trips to commence on 1 June
- 1 November each year for trips to commence on 1 March
- 1 May each year for trips to commence on 1 September
D. Practical Traineeships for Foreign Students fo Natural and Technical Sciences, Agriculture and Forestry
Filipino students interested in a training placement in Germany should address the National IAESTE Committee in the Philippines. Further information is available at:
E. Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries
This scholarship program offers further specialized studies to university degree holders, who have already gained professional experience (at least two years). Most courses, save for a few exceptions, are geared to the needs of applicants, who, at the time of their application, are engaged in the planning and execution of projects related to development policy in their
respective fields. Information regarding this program including a list of courses offered and application deadlines can be found on the website:
F. Special DAAD Scholarship Programs for masteral, doctoral candidates and Post-Docs
Depending on the availability of funds, these DAAD grants are for masteral studies, research projects for a doctorate or post-docs.
F.1 Master's Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG)
This program is designed to academically qualify future leaders in politics, law, economics and administration according to the principles of Good Governance. Deadline for this program is on 31 August 2009 at the German Embassy. Further details about the program can be found on the website:
F.2 DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships
This new program is implemented by the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) and the DAAD. The special program is intended for highly-qualified foreign doctoral and postdoctoral students as well as senior scientists. It provides the opportunity to conduct special research at the institutes of DLR in Germany. The special application form and
all current offers and deadlines for this program can be found on the website:
Applications submitted after the aforementioned deadlines cannot be considered. Application forms may be downloaded from the DAAD website . Additional information regarding the different types of scholarships, the prerequisites for the applications, the German institutions of higher education, application forms, etc. may also be accessed through the DAAD homepage and the German Embassy website:*l
Should be there any questions regarding the DAAD scholarship programs, please do not hesitate to contact the following:
Natalie Voges -
(DAAD Lecturer, UP Diliman)
Davina Dy: (German Embassy Manila)
Press and Cultural Section
German Embassy Manila
25F, Tower 2, RCBC Plaza
6819 Ayala Ave.
Makati City
Tel: +63-2-702-3000, DL: 702-3038
Fax: +63-2-702-3015
E-mail: (direct)
(general inquiries)
(Press & cultural section)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
International Youth Conference 2009
Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, 2009
The State Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia and National Commission of Indonesia to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in collaboration with UNESCO Jakarta Office will organize the International Youth Conference 2009 with the theme, “The Role of Youth to Establish Peace, toward a Future World without Violent Radicalization”. The conference aims to sensitize youth with idea on the importance of peace, to promote ethical principles among youth and to support the efforts of youth to foster a culture of peace and tolerance.
Venue and date:
The conference will be held in Indonesia on September 28 to October 2, 2009 in Banten and West Java Provinces , Indonesia .
* Filipino citizen
* Between 18 to 30 years old
* Those who are interested in peace issues and youth development
* Must have a good command in English
* Of good moral character
* Physically and mentally fit to travel
* Preferably a first time traveler; former recipients of NYC funded international programs from September 28, 2008 to September 28, 2009 are disqualified to apply
* Must have a valid passport until at least six (6) months after the date of the departure for the program. Applicants without any passport details shall not be considered.
The organizers will cover all costs in connection with the event including accommodations, local transport, meals and other costs to be incurred for one participant, but international airfare expenses and personal expenses must be shouldered by the participants.
The deadline of submission of the application forms is September 4, 2009. Please fill up application forms and send to .

The European Association for the Defense of Human Rights – AEPADO organizes the International Project “Be aware, Not addicted”.
The main activity of this project is the Antidrug Competition “It’s my life, it’s my
decision” which is structured in 3 sections: journalism articles, mottos and posters
addressed to youth from all over the world. The registration will be made exclusively online in Romanian or English language using the registration system from the project’s blog:
The aim of this project is to edit the first Online Guide of Good Practices against
Drugs made by youth for youth. The project has a number of original elements:
¨ the Guide Book of Good Practices, which will be promoted on the Internet and on
¨ teenagers awarded at the final stage of the competition can become the
promoters of the project in the following editions;
¨ unlike other anti-drug campaigns, “Be aware, not addicted” emphasizes the
personal example;
¨ uses all the necessary factors for the fight against drugs;
Additional details:
- project’s blog;
- competition folder;
I. of applicants
- legal person established in the country of origin (NGO, public authority, etc);
II. of event
- To have as theme: prevention, reduction or combating drug abuse and/or stimulation of creativity and inventiveness of young people;
- To include participants aged 14 to 19;
- To promote the international competition “It’s my life! It’s my decision!” with the use of the materials provided by the organizers;
- To be available at least at a local level;
1st August – 15th October 2009
* Promoting the selection of events;
* Submitting applications;
* Organization of events (all activities must end before October 15);
Monday, August 17, 2009
Enabling Bio-innovations for Poverty Alleviation in Asia
Application Procedure and Deadline
Applications should be submitted in the form of a letter of intent (maximum of 2 pages) introducing the applicant (individual or organization), explaining the proposed research project, and its relevance to the themes discussed in the Call for Proposal.
Short-listed applicants will be requested to submit a 10 to 15 page fully developed research proposal.
Deadline for submission of Concept Notes: September 15, 2009
Short-listed concept notes announced: September 30, 2009
Deadline for submission of Full Proposal: October 31, 2009
Announcement of Results: November 15, 2009
Small Grants Inception and Launching: December 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Climate leaders: release your creative powers - How can art enhance our ability to think and act differently?
Bangkok, Thailand
12-19 October 2009.
Interactive workshop about Project management and Leadership skills is one of many activities that British Council organise to help building the climate cool network around the region. It also aims to help emerging leaders develop their skills so that they can influence a wider range of people once they go back to their communities.
For this workshop in Thailand, the British Council has set up a partnership with the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) which engages in multiple ways through programmes on cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration on climate change and sustainable development in and between Asia and Europe.
The Workshop Climate leaders: release your creative powers - How can art enhance our ability to think and act differently? will be held in Bangkok, Thailand from 12-19 October 2009.
Deadline of Application: 30 August 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
8th Asia-Europe Classroom Network Conference

26- 30 October 2009
Sonderborh, Denmark
In collaboration with the Sønderborg Municipality with support from the Danish Ministry of Education, Hørup Centralskole, Nyborg Friskole and Herfølge Skole, the 8th Asia-Europe Classroom Network Conference will take place from 26 to 30 October 2009 in Sønderborg, Denmark.
Formerly known as the AEC International Teachers’ Conference, the AEC-NET Conference is an annual meeting since year 2001 that gathers secondary and high school teachers and educators from Asia and Europe who take a keen interest in fostering collaborations among their students using infocomm (ICT) methods and tools. The online collaborative projects initiated at each Conference are referred to as the AEC Projects.
The theme for the 8th AEC-NET Conference will be “The Impact of Climate Change and Sustainable Development Within the School Community in Asia and Europe”.
UN IPC-IG Humanizing Development Global Photography Campaign

How do you see development? How can you portrait the human face of the development processes? How do you show that development initiatives and programmes improve the lives of people? This Global Photography Campaign aims to show examples of people winning the battle against poverty, social exclusion and marginalization. It is intended to raise awareness of the successes in the development process. The campaign is intended to counterbalance the frequently shown images of desolation and despair. A photo gallery will to be permanently located at IPC-IG office and open for public visitation. A series of photo exhibitions will also be organized in several cities around the world. Everyone can and is strongly encouraged to participate in this global effort and contribute with a photograph. Join us now in showing development through a different lens! Let’s promote and share successful development initiatives!
The themes
This campaign will enable people to contribute photographs related to a wide array of development situations, such as:
* Overcoming poverty, social exclusion and marginalisation.
* Enlarging people's choices and supporting local development initiatives.
* Promoting self-esteem, confidence and hope.
* Building a brighter future and advancing human capacities.
* Fighting deprivation and expanding access to food, water, sanitation, education and health services for the poor.
* Eliminating gender inequalities in the labour market.
* Empowering women.
* Fighting discrimination, domestic violence, abuse and exploitation.
* Eliminating child labour and promoting decent work opportunities.
* Expanding access to education and improving its quality and social inclusiveness through innovative approaches.
* Innovative initiatives on local development, enhancing the participation of communities in decision processes.
* Enhancing women's potential and participation in development processes.
* Promoting women's leadership and equal opportunity to develop talents.
* Building democratic governance and developing institutions and processes that are more responsive to the needs of ordinary citizens, including the poor. Alleviating exclusion, suffering, injustice and waste caused by corruption.
* Empowering citizens to combat the destructive influence of corruption, entrenched networks and abuse of power.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
International Young Fashion Entrepreneur Award

1. International Young Creative Entrepreneur – Fashion
For the purpose of this award, the Fashion sector is defined as the following:
•Fashion, textile, accessories or perfume design and production
•Fashion promotion: shows, exhibitions, festivals, events
•Fashion retail: buying, merchandising
•Fashion product research, sourcing, supply chain management
•Fashion marketing, PR, branding, journalism
•Fashion publishing, communications, websites
•Consultants providing specialist services in any of the areas outlined
2. IYCE - Definition and Eligibility
Definition of a creative entrepreneur
For the purpose of this awards programme we define creative entrepreneurs as follows:
•Somebody working in the creative sector who is able to demonstrate business success in the classic terms of business growth (profit, market share, employees) and/or in terms of his or her reputation (quality and aesthetic) amongst their peers.
•Somebody working in the creative sector who has developed a successful (in terms of impact and reach) social or not for profit enterprise in this sector.
•Somebody working in the creative sector who has shown leadership in the industry by championing its development in their country.
•Somebody working in the creative sector who has developed initiatives (exhibitions, trade fairs, festivals etc) that develop and grow the market for this sector in their country.
Qualities of a creative entrepreneur
For the purpose of the awards programme, creative entrepreneurs should possess the following qualities:
•Entrepreneurial ability
•Leadership ability/potential to change their sector
•Market awareness and understanding
•Originality of ideas
•International outlook and ability to network with the UK/globally
A participant must:
•Be aged between 25 and 35 at the date applications are due
•Already work in the creative sector (as outlined in each of the sectoral definitions below) with at least three years experience in their sector
•Be entrepreneurial and have shown their ability in the promotion of that creative sector in their country, in either a commercial context, public context, or both
•Through their character, drive and abilities, demonstrate their potential to be a future leader of the sector in their country
•Have English language skills to IELTS 6 - ‘competent user’ or above
3.The Prize
UK Tour – The chosen finalist from the Philippines will go on a 10-12 day tour of the UK along with the 9 other country finalists from around the world participating in the programme. The UK tour is an opportunity for these finalists to learn more about the UK fashion industry as well as meet with UK industry experts. This will culminate with the finalist attending London Fashion Week in February 2010.
The overall winner (to be chosen in an awarding ceremony held during the UK tour) will receive:
A physical award – a special commission bowl by acclaimed glass designers, Gillies Jones
A financial prize of £5,000 - to be spent on a project in collaboration with the British Council that builds the relationship between the winner’s country and the UK
4.Contact details
For more information on the awards scheme, please contact:
Ana Tan
Programme Manager
British Council
10/F Taipan Place
F Ortigas Jr Road
Ortigas Centre, Pasig City
T +63 (2) 9141011-14
F +63 (2) 9141020
Global Youth Summit

UK from 15-21 November
Switzerland from 27-31 January 2010
At the end of the week, six Global Changemakers will be chosen to represent the group at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos in January 2010.
In order to apply for this event, you need to:
* Complete the online application form
* Send an application video on YouTube (or a different filesharing service – see the instructions)
You can check out the questions on the application form here.
As a reminder, to be selected for the 4th Annual Global Youth Summit, individuals should:
* Be committed to bringing about positive change in their communities
* Have a significant track record of community activism, social entrepreneurship or volunteer work
* Be between 16 and 19 years old in November 2009
* Have a reasonably good command of English (the event will be held in English so participants will need to be able to fluidly communicate with each other)
* Be free to attend the Global Youth Summit in the UK from 15-21 November, as well as the WEF Annual Meeting in Switzerland from 27-31 January 2010, if selected.
What is a Changemaker?
A Changemaker is a young activist operating through a range of national and international networks, who is able to influence his or her community as well as speak to authority with confidence and passion. Changemakers are not afraid to challenge either accepted ways of thinking or their convictions. Changemakers are forward looking, they take their ideas and put them into practice.
A Changemaker accepts difference, is flexible, is able to take on new ideas and skills and will communicate them to others.
For more info, please visit or email
Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES)

Braunwald, Switzerland
23rd October – 9th November 2009
ACTIS, in collaboration with the Alliance for Global Sustainability (a university partnership between the ETH Zurich, MIT Boston, University of Tokyo and Chalmers University), is please to announce the opening of applications for the 2009 Youth Encounter on Sustainability (YES) course in Braunwald, Switzerland. The two week course aims to sensitize participants to the complex issues of sustainable development in a global context, though course work, field trips, workshops, group work, discussions and practical learning experiences, combined with social and cultural activities. The course brings together an inspiring group of upper level university students from many different disciplines, cultures and nationalities to learn together in a unique environment. The program builds on 10 years of experience successfully running YES in Switzerland, Australia Costa Rica, Japan, Slovakia, Austria and Kenya. Organisation of the YES programs was transferred from ETHsustainability, the Center for Sustainability at the ETH Zurich, to ACTIS in early 2009. ACTIS is an ETH spin-off organisation created specifically to expand the YES program and related activities.
Course Dates: 23rd October – 9th November 2009
Course Location: Braunwald, Switzerland
Deadline for applications: 14th August 2009
For more information, contact:
Michelle Grant
Project Manager
ACTIS – Activating Talent in Sustainability
Bluntschlisteig 1
CH-8002 Zurich
Ph: +41 44 280 3306?Fax: +41 44 632 1597
The application form can be downloaded here: YES Braunwald 2009 Application form
Business in Development (BiD) Challenge Philippines

The Business in Development (BiD) Challenge Philippines offers entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop and execute business plans that improve the living conditions of poor Filipinos. Its uniqueness is that it encourages the germination of an idea, identifies excellent concepts and plans, and provides mentors and coaches that can direct the idea towards viability and sustainability.
Previous years’ Philippine business plans were innovative, out-of-the box –a testimony to the creativity, resourcefulness and entrepreneurial spirit of the Filipino. Be inspired in the same way the others have been.
How to PARTICIPATE in the BiD Challenge Philippines
▪ Read the PARTICIPATION CRITERIA to check your eligibility. Click on
the box ‘Who can participate?’ on the right.
▪ Join the BiD Network and create your profile. Click on the box ‘How to
present your plan’ on the right.
▪ Log on and click ‘New Contribution.’ Write your plan application by filling
out the online business concept form.
BiD Challenge Philippines is organised by the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP)
Democracy Camp 2009 and Project Grant Competition

Calling all student leaders and young people representing any college or youth organization in Metro-Manila.
THE PHILIPPINE CENTER FOR CIVIC EDUCATION AND DEMOCRACY (PCCED) and ORTIGAS FOUNDATION’s Democracy Camp 2009 is now accepting applicants for this year’s most intensive seminar-workshop for youth leaders designed to provide with in-depth and immersive training in critical knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to be effective citizens in a democracy.
Be one of the first 50 youth participants to experience the 4-day camp interspersed with practical and real-world skills training in program management and consensus building to further hone your leadership skills.
Slots are limited to maximum of two representatives per organization.
There is a camp fee of Php 1,000 per participant, which fee includes food (3 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 3 dinners and 3 snacks), accommodation for 3 nights, conference materials, camp merchandise, transportation to and from the camp venue and amenities of the training venue.
Click here for complete APPLICATION GUIDELINES
Ortigas Foundation Project Grant Competition
Ortigas Foundation, Inc. encourages youth leaders who will be attending the Democracy Camp 2009 to look at the problems they are facing in the light of what the participants will learn from the camp and apply the principles of effective citizenship and leadership in a democracy to solving these problems. Ortigas Foundation will be providing a grant to the three proposals that would best show viability in effecting long-lasting solution to problems their communities are facing.
The best project proposal will be given a grant worth P100,000.00; Second place, P50,000.00; And third place, P30,000.00.
Only organizations with representative/s to the camp are eligible to join the Project Grant Competition.
The complete competition mechanics will be announced during the camp.
For more information:
Look for Mr. Joseph Emmanuel Lansang
Application deadline is on August 21, 2009, Friday, 12:00nn.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
In partnership with the European Commission, ASEAN Member States, and the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication, the contest aims to generate public awareness on the importance of sustaining our biodiversity. Powerful images of biodiversity’s importance to food security, health, livelihood, climate change, and other pressing issues and concerns can translate awareness into public support to reducing biodiversity loss – a silent crisis that could lead to humankind’s extinction.
The contest will run until 30 August 2009 and winners will be awarded during the ACB side event at the ASEAN Conference on Biodiversity in Singapore on 21 – 23 October 2009.
We would appreciate it if you could help ACB promote the photo contest within your network by distributing the attached announcement and poster design and by posting them on your website, with link to the ACB website, until 30 August 2009.
We thank you in advance for your support.
Rolando A. Inciong
Head, Public Affairs
ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity
3F, ERDB Building, Forestry Campus
UP Los Banos 4031
Laguna, Philippines
Phone: (63) 49 536 1044 Ext 507
Mobile: (63) 917 867 5351
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Clean Air and Blue Skies Asia Exchange Project
One young professional from the Philippines will be sent to Sri Lanka to work with the Clean Air Sri Lanka as Air Quality Management Specialist, on behalf of the CAI-Asia Center, to undertake the following activities for a period of 10 months (November 2009 - August 2010):
Review air quality management (AQM) situation, policies and action plans of Sri Lanka through available literature and interviews with key individuals and institutions at the forefront of AQM movement in Sri Lanka;
Study the initial operations of the Vehicle Emission Testing (VET) program, identify implementation strengths and challenges and make recommendations based on regional/global best practices;
Work with the exchange participant from Phase 1 in the transfer of knowledge and skills needed for effective implementation of VET program to the VET Project Office staff and other stakeholders through publishing articles/reports and face-to-face interactions;
Conduct a the walkability survey in urban areas with high-people traffic within Colombo and consolidate results from the preliminary assessments;
Disseminate results of the walkability survey to stakeholders through a forum to be held in Sri Lanka and mass media (including internet);
Initiate the piloting of the Air Quality (AQ) Scorecard and assist the host country in implementing a concrete project/ case study that contributes to an existing air quality action plan or related plan;
Coordinate with different institutions based in Sri Lanka and assist in collecting monitoring data relevant in the conduct of a national emission inventory in regular interaction with the current Sri Lankan participant posted in Hong Kong Polytechnic University for technical inputs;
Jointly prepare a technical paper with current Sri Lankan participant in Hong Kong (e.g., compatibility of ambient air quality standards with source emissions standards in SL through air quality modeling tools).
The criteria for selection of the candidate are as follows:
Must be 22-35 years old
Must have a degree in science-related field
At least 3 years experience in AQM, with exposure to emissions inventory development and air quality modeling
Preferably with a demonstrated ability of writing technical reports and popularizing the findings
Experience and skill in multi-stakeholder interaction with NGOs, government officials, international institutions, business groups, etc.
Must have IT skills and computer literacy
Another young professional from the Philippines will be sent to Nepal to work with the Clean Air Network - Nepal (CAN-N) as Environment Researcher, on behalf of the CAI-Asia Center, to undertake the following activities for a period of 10 months (November 2009-August 2010):
Familiarize self with local AQM and public transportation situation, policies and action plans of Nepal through available literatures and personal interaction with primary individuals and institutions at the forefront of AQM movement in Nepal;
Train youth networks and/or CAN-N members on walkability survey and conduct the walkability survey in areas with high-people traffic within Kathmandu;
Gather and analyze data for the Air Quality (AQ) Scorecard for Nepal;
Disseminate results of the walkability index and air quality scorecard to stakeholders through various dialogue, fora, promotion in mass media (including internet), and other promotional materials;
Assist in building the membership base of CANN to create a critical mass of supporters;
Assist the host country in implementing a concrete project/case study that contributes to an existing air quality action plan or related plan (e.g., work with the youth network to study health impacts of air pollution);
Regularly coordinate with Nepal participant posted in Hong Kong Polytechnic University for any data that may be needed to conduct air quality modeling;
Jointly prepare a technical paper with current Nepal participant posted in HK on a common interest and strong expertise (e.g., sustainable urban transport of Kathmandu, a case study on source apportionment using air quality modeling);
The criteria for selection of the candidate are as follows:
Must be 22-35 years old.
Must have a degree in environmental management, transport planning or science-related field, with strong background on air quality management programs
Preferably with a demonstrated ability of writing technical reports and developing public awareness tools and implementing training programs
Experience and skill in multi-stakeholder interaction with NGOs, government officials, international institutions, business groups, etc.
Must have good research skills and computer literacy
The qualified candidates shall attend a preparatory course for the international posting for three weeks starting October 1 to be held in Bangkok, Thailand.
Posting in Colombo, Sri Lanka and Kathmandu, Nepal is expected to start immediately after the preparatory course. All international roundtrip tickets, accommodation and visa fees shall be provided for all travels within the exchange period.
Please send your CV with complete contact information to blueskiesasia@ on or before
31 July 2009 (Friday).
Women are highly encouraged to apply. The age requirement for women is 22-40 years old provided all other criteria for selection are met by the candidate.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Best regards,
Chee-Anne Guzman
Glynda Bathan
Project Coordinators
Friday, June 26, 2009
British Chevening Scholarship
Chevening Scholarships are prestigious awards available to international students for study in the United Kingdom.
Chevening scholarships offer an ideal opportunity for young, high-flying graduates not only to study their chosen subject, but also to meet and network with their peers in the unique learning atmosphere that the UK provides. The ultimate objective is to build a network of friends of the UK, who will be future leaders in their countries.
Candidates are selected by the British Embassy in Manila. The scheme is managed by the British Council on behalf of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Applying for the Programme
The Chevening Scholarship Programme for the academic year 2010/2011 for the Philippines, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, and Palau begins 1 August. All applications are done on-line and must be submitted before 15 October 2009.
The minimum qualifications are:
•an applicant is a Filipino, Marshallese, Micronesian, or Palauan national
•has attained a local/international degree
•has two years work experience in your chosen career
•applicant should also be committed to returning to the applicant's home country after the period of study
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Non communicable diseases are one of the key health challenges of the 21st century. They disproportionately impact on the poor and vulnerable within all societies, they threaten socioeconomic development, and destroy the health of millions. A small group of risk factors cause this massive burden: tobacco and alcohol use, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise. All of these risk factors are preventable
AIM: This new MSc will provide a knowledge platform for clinicians, policy makers, health planners, donor agencies and NGOs to understand the global burden of non-communicable disease, and to share promising and effective practice in managing risk factors, and in promoting innovative practices in treatment and care. It will equip participants with the skills to measure the local burden of diseases, and to formulate and implement local strategies to address these.
Programme outcomes - enabling professionals to:
• contribute to raising the priority accorded to non communicable diseases in development work at global and national levels
• learn together and work together to promote interventions to tackle the risk factors
Course participants will be able to engage with, and feel connected to a global community of practice of learners, practitioners and teachers maximising the opportunities to promote partnerships for the prevention and control of non communicable diseases.
Non communicable diseases
Non communicable diseases which include diabetes, mental illness, cardiovascular conditions (mainly heart disease and stroke), cancers, and chronic respiratory conditions) account for about 60% of all global deaths, 80% of these deaths occur in low and middle income countries. Without concerted action it is estimated that some 388 million people worldwide will die of one or more non communicable disease in the next 10 years. WHO estimate that “the greatest increase will be seen in the African region (27%) and the Eastern Mediterranean region (25%). The highest absolute number of deaths will occur in the Western Pacific and South-East Asia regions”
The MSc International Health: Non Communicable Diseases seeks to provide some of the tools to put into practice the WHO 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the prevention and control of Non Communicable Diseases.
WHO 2008-2013 Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the prevention and control of Non Communicable Diseases
• map the emerging epidemics of noncommunicable diseases and analyse their social, economic, behavioural and political determinants
• reduce the level of exposure of individuals and populations to the common modifiable risk factors
• strengthen health care for people with noncommunicable diseases by improving access to essential standards of care and developing guidelines for cost-effective interventions projects
Programme structure
Online and part-time, this programme is designed for working professionals. Participants learn part-time over 3 years towards the MSc; with 3 terms per year. Terms are 11 weeks long, split into two blocks of 5 weeks with 1 week in between for independent study. Study commitments amount to 15-20 hours per week during the term. This framework is designed to fit in with the part-time nature of this course.
Further information More details of the programme will be available from the Graduate School Website at
To find out more about the programme, including scholarship availability visit
The programme commences in September 2009. Interested applicants must apply by 24 July. In the first instance please contact the MSc Programme Director Dr Liz Grant for further information or
United Nations – The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme
The Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) of the Office of Legal Affairs is now accepting applications for the 2010-2011 session of the United Nations – The Nippon Foundation of Japan Fellowship Programme. We are pleased to note that during the last five years, 55 awards have been made to nationals of 48 States. The deadline for submissions has been set for 15 August 2009.
The major objective of this Fellowship Programme is to provide funded opportunities for advanced training in the field of ocean affairs and the law of the sea, or related disciplines, to government officials and other mid-level professionals from developing coastal States so that they may obtain the necessary skills to assist their countries in the formulation of comprehensive ocean policies and to implement the legal regime set out in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and related instruments, including the CBD.
The Fellowship Programme consists of two phases, namely a six-month research and study phase, immediately followed by a three-month training phase. The first phase will be implemented through a university or research institution affiliated with the Programme and which has in-depth competence and expertise in the given field of studies. After completing the first phase, fellows will undertake a training phase with the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea in New York , or with an intergovernmental agency or organization competent in the chosen field.
With respect to required qualifications, candidates must be between the ages of 25 and 40, possess a first university degree or equivalent, and demonstrate an ability to undertake advanced academic research and studies.
They shall also be mid-level administrators from national government organs, or other agencies, that deal directly with issues such as national ocean policy, establishment of maritime zones and the delimitation of maritime boundaries, coastal zone management, conservation and management of marine living resources, maritime transport and shipping, prevention of pollution, crimes at sea and their suppression, and the protection and preservation of the marine environment including marine sciences.
A detailed outline of the requisite qualifications, along with the application forms, additional Programme information, and the current list of participating institutions is available on the Fellowship Programme webpage http://www.un. org/depts/los/nippon Candidates must use the new simplified application package which is available for download from this homepage.
For additional information please contact directly:
Francois N. Bailet, Programme Advisor
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea, Office of Legal Affairs
United Nations, New York , NY 10017 , USA
Tel.: 917-367-5186 Fax: 212-963-5847 E-mail:
Saturday, May 30, 2009
ASEUM Symposium
Manila, Philippines
ASEUM is an international network of new media art practitioners pushing for cultural, educational, and technological exchange on emerging new media art practices in South East Asia and Europe. Initiated by SABAW Media Art Kitchen (Philippines) and Multimedia Center KIBLA (Slovenia), ASEUM hopes to draw attention to artists, their work, their perspectives and the complex interrelationships between technology, art and culture through various symposia, workshops, and collaborative endeavors.
Discussions on interactive design, networked cultures, the burgeoning open source software movements, interactivity, data visualization, bio-technology, DIY electronics, open-source hardware, computer/electronic music, and sound and video art are among the few topics that will be tackled by some of the most recognized artists working on new media art and technology in Europe and Asia.
This year’s symposium is slated to run from July 21-25, 2009 in Manila, Philippines and is open to all artists, software programmers, engineers, scientists, students, DIY hobbyists, and art enthusiasts. The symposium will feature new media artists from Europe and Asia through a series of interactive sessions, open fora, live audio-video performances and presentations in top universities and renowned artist-run spaces in Metro Manila.
*Please note that the hands-on workshop labs on graphical programming languages Pure Data and DIY sound devices using Arduino can only accommodate a limited number of participants.
To be considered for participation, please submit a 1-2 paragraph essay (not more than 300 words) stating your purposes in joining, including how you can contribute to the symposium given your specialization or field of work. Please also submit your full contact details along with the essay on or before June 30, 2009 to or contact 09175191511.
Complete details regarding symposium venues, speakers, performers, presentation topics, and program flow available upon request; email
ASEUM is sponsored by ASIA-EUROPE FOUNDATION as part of the Follow Up Project (FUP) of the 5th-6th Art Camp New Media and the Mini Summit on New Media Art policy & practice.
Feel free to disseminate this email to interested parties, to blogs, websites, the like.
Thank you for your time.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

22-25 JULY 2009
PHINMA Training Center
Tagaytay City, PHILIPPINES
The Decade of Dignity and Development, WYA 1999-2009, is a celebration of WYA's ten years promoting the dignity of the person in policy and culture. The DDD celebrations will showcase young people, public and private sector leaders, and best practices around the world. WYA Asia Pacific (WYAAP) will be hosting a 4-day international conference for the region's youth in July 22-25, 2009 in Tagaytay City, Philippines.
The WYAAP conference will focus on Good Governance and Marginalization, two important issues in the Asia Pacific region. Marginalization is prevalent in all our countries and may be experienced in different ways – because of one's religion, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. WYAAP is always searching for ways to address these development concerns and realizes that the key is good governance. For good governance to become reality, it is the responsibility not only of the government, but also of civil society and the business sector. To further understand the effects of marginalization, individuals and organizations from the different sectors will be invited to share how their practices address the problems that we face.
As stated in WYA’s Declaration on Development, authentic development happens when it is based on the understanding and recognition of the dignity of the human person. As such, WYA believes that the authentic development of society can occur only in a culture that fosters integral human development. Each person has
dignity, which is inviolable and does not change regardless of one’s circumstances in life.
Together with this understanding comes the important role that good governance plays. The WYA Declaration on Good Governance recognizes that good governance stems from th e responsibility of every person, a t all levels of society, to work in solidarity for the protection of hu ma n dignity. Leaders bear a particular responsibility to uphold the dignity of the human person in their governance. This event will create awareness of prevalent issues a nd provide a venue for valuabl e discussions and cultural exchange s to promote human dignity. This will strengthen an Asia-Pacific wide yout h cooperation to implement projects among participating organizations, explore potential areas of collaboration, and lay the groundwork for long-term partnerships.
For application details, kindly visit:
Friday, May 22, 2009
Scholarship= Italy
Study grants are awarded for study or research at the following types of State or otherwise legally accredited institutions:
- Universities or Polytechnics;
- Institutes for advanced artistic or musical training;
- Restoration Institutes;
- The National school of Cinema;
- University colleges, research labs or centers, libraries, archives and museums associated with graduate and undergraduate university courses in which the candidate is obliged to enroll.
Grants may not be awarded for study in the following contexts:
- Foreign Institutions (universities, academies, libraries, schools of any sort) even if they are located in Italy;
- Non-accredited private research centers or labs.
The only exceptions are the European University Institute - an intergovernmental university institution linked with community institutions - and legally accredited private universities, for courses leading to educational credentials with legal value in Italy.
Potential candidates are allowed to apply for study grants in the following courses:
- LANGUAGE COURSES OF VARYING DURATION: also in preparation for enrolment in university and post-university degree courses in Italy.
- INDIVIDUAL UNIVERSITY COURSES: All topics are included; at the conclusion of the course the grant holder will be required to take the related examination.
- DEGREE COURSES: Since enrolment in some degree courses involves a selection process, in accordance with Law no. 264/99, candidates are best advised to submit alternative study programs, even at more than one university, in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the course of study chosen. The same type of study and degree must be maintained. Candidates should also keep in mind that their program of study must be submitted within the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course in order to exercise the right to that grant in that period of time. Finally, it should be specified that, once enrolled in a degree course, changes in type of study or location are no longer admissible, at the risk of annulment of the grant.
- COURSES IN ADVANCED MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC TRAINING: To be completed at advanced music, art and dance training institutes (academies, conservatories, ISIA, etc.), at institutes of restoration and the National School of Cinema, for which a high school diploma is required.
- RESEARCH: in all disciplines, with the obligation of enrolment in and attendance of undergraduate and post-graduate university courses. A letter of acceptance from the dean of the academic institution is obligatory. At course end the grant holder will be required to take an exam; this obligation does not exist for grant holders doing work at the CNR, the Istituto Superiore di Sanità and other research bodies of the same level.
- POST-GRADUATE UNIVERSITY COURSES: Courses for the Masters I and II level (of at least one academic year’s duration), doctorate in research and specializations:
o DOCTORATE IN RESEARCH. Each individual university has its own rules for admission to the doctorate in research, and it is recommended that these be consulted by checking the institution’s internet site. Since this is generally a competitive selection process, it would be advisable to submit an alternative programme remaining within the same field of study or research in order to avoid suspension of the grant in the case of non-admission to the doctorate. In order to increase the chances of success it would be advisable to apply to several universities. Be reminded also that candidates must prepare a program of study to be carried out in the period between the admission test and the actual start of the course.
o MASTERS. The diplomatic representations will see to it that grant candidates are informed of the high costs involved and the possibility that the masters program will require studying in institutions outside of Italy, sometimes for months at a time. Moreover, admission to a masters program often involves a selection process and a minimum number of students, therefore the grant holder should be informed of the real possibility of enrolling in the course since there is the risk of losing the grant benefit if the master course is cancelled.
o SPECIALISATIONS. Excluded are the medical disciplines (see Law no. 257 of 08.08.1991).
- ITALIAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE COURSES FOR TEACHERS OF ITALIAN: Italian language and culture courses are reserved for non-Italian teachers of the Italian language and university students of Italian enrolled for at least 3 years. Grants are awarded for the study of the Italian language, and the teaching of it, at the universities for Foreigners in Perugia, Siena and Rome (Roma Tre) or other accredited institutions that issue certificates of Italian as a Second Language (L2).
It should be noted that candidates for grants for post- and under-graduate university courses with a study plan requiring part of the program to take place outside the principle academic–scientific institution in which the student is enrolled, must specify this when applying in order to allow the Directorate General enough time to arrange for payment through the Provincial Treasury offices.
With the only exception of brief Italian language and culture courses (1, 2 or 3 months) the study grants awarded are for 3, 6, 9 or 12 months. Applications for grants of a different duration cannot be accepted.
The study grants can be only used for the period from October 2009 to September 2010.
Please be advised that for the academic year 2009-2010 the monthly allowances granted will be paid only from January 2010, consequently the expenses for the period October-December 2009 must be covered by the scholars.
To be eligible for study grants, except in the case of language course, students must have the following prerequisites:
1) Knowledge of the Italian language is a prerequisite of basic importance and must be certified or ascertained in an interview at the Italian Cultural Institute or at the cultural office of the local authorized diplomatic-consular representation or at the Italian studies department of the candidate’s university.
2) Educational Credentials Candidates must have the credentials requested for enrolment in the institution of their choice. All credentials and certificates of study must be submitted along with their Italian translation, which must be certified as conforming with the foreign language texts by the locally authorized Italian diplomatic-consular representation, i.e. by an official translator along with a statement attesting to the authenticity of the credentials prepared by the locally authorized diplomatic-consular representation.
- To enroll in degree courses at Italian universities the candidate must have a secondary school diploma valid for enrolment in university.
- To enroll in Masters I or II programs at Italian universities, candidates must have a degree equal to the Italian baccalaureate, along with any other documentation that may be required by the chosen institution.
- To be admitted to individual courses the certificate of enrolment issued by the university for foreigners is normally enough.
- Admission to art and music institutes usually requires certification of having concluded a cycle of secondary school studies valid for admission to accredited State academies or conservatories.
- For admission to Italian language and culture courses a secondary school diploma is required.
Please note that for the credentials required for admission to Italian universities it is advisable to check the provisions issued annually by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MUIR) at > università >studenti >studenti stranieri >documentazione.
Terms of application and deadline
Applicants must complete the interactive multilingual application form which is available on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website at the following addresses: > opportunita’ > stranieri > borse di studio and
The Deadline for the transmission of application form is June 10, 2009.
After completing and transmitting the application form via internet, applicants must send to the Cultural Office of the Embassy of Italy the following documents:
- Hard copy of the Application Form, which has previously transmitted via internet to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, duly signed, dated, and with photo in ID format.
- Detailed Curriculum Vitae with contact numbers.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from Academic Professors or Authorities.
- Letter of acceptance issued by the Italian University or Institution where the applicant intends to pursue his/her studies.
The Deadline for the submission of the above listed documents is June 20, 2009.
The documents can be sent via courier to the:
Embassy of Italy to the Philippines
6/F Zeta Building
191 Salcedo Street , Legaspi Village
Makati City
or submitted to the Italian Embassy during office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.
Only the Applications sent in compliance with the procedures and regulations above listed will be accepted.
Acceptance of applications will be notified via e-mail.
Eligible candidates, selected by a Joint Committee composed of the Ambassador of Italy (or other members of the Embassy), as well as University Deans and professors and other Filipino cultural authorities, will be notified via e-mail and requested to submit the following documentation:
- Citizenship Certificate or equivalent;
- Medical Certificate with translation in Italian attesting the candidate’s good health;
- Copy of Passport or ID;
- Two (2) letters of recommendation from Academic Professors or Authorities;
- High School and University Transcripts with Italian translation.
The above said documentation has to be submitted on or before July 2, 2009.
Additional information
Age limit: 35
Airfare: covered by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Accommodation: not included in the monthly allowance.
Insurance: health and accident insurance will be covered by the scholarship, except in case of previous illnesses, dental care or accident in consequence of dangerous activities.
Contact person: the Cultural Office of the Italian Embassy will get in touch with a Tutor, belonging to the Institution where the scholar is going to study, who will assist the recipient of the scholarship in his/her study or research.
Enrollment: pre-enrollment will be processed by the Embassy. The applicants must submit within July 15, 2009 the following documentation:
- 3 photos
- Photocopy of the passport or of the ID.
- Certified true copy of Diploma or Degree with translation into Italian. Only documents certified by the Department of Foreign Affairs will be accepted.
Visa: the Italian Embassy is authorized to release a visa for study to successful applicants as soon as the authorization regarding the grant is officially communicated. The Visa issued will then expire at the end of the period of their courses.
The announcement, the application forms and list of required documents can be downloaded from the website