Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Green Future: Asia and Europe Growing Sustainably


1-3 September 2010, Munich (Germany)


The Asia-Europe Environment Forum (ENVforum) 2010 Conference “A Green Future: Asia and Europe Growing Sustainably” will be held in Munich, Germany, on 1st to 3rd September 2010.
The ENVforum co-organisers, namely, the Asia-Europe Foundation, the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, the Swedish Environmental Secretariat in Asia and the United Nations Environment Programme, welcome proposals for workshops to be organised during the period of the conference.
Up to ten workshop proposals will be selected by the ENVforum co-organisers. Financial support will be available to successful workshop hosts in the form of travel and accommodation subsidies for a select number of workshop speakers and/or selected participants from Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) countries.
The final selection of speakers and participants will also be done by the ENVforum co-organisers, in order to ensure a balanced representation of all ASEM nationals at the conference.

The conference presents an effort to provide a platform for meaningful Asia-Europe exchanges via policy dialogue, co-operation and engagement with private and civil society actors. 
Specifically, the conference intends to:
1. Contribute to sustainable Asia-Europe co-operation at the bi-regional level;
2. build trust and confidence between Asian and European countries around
    major policy debates and international discussions; and,
3. develop action-oriented recommendations for the ASEM process and
    provide a voice for ASEM in international policy dialogue (including in the
    upcoming the Rio+20 Earth Summit 2012).

The above-mentioned objectives would be translated into cross-cutting questions for up to 10 different workshops held over a period of three days. Such a format provides space for in-depth discussion of various aspects and implications of scarce resources in present and future settings.
Workshops could be organised along the following themes:
Green Economy
  • Sustainable consumption and production;
  • water;
  • renewable energy; or
  • climate change mitigation
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
  • Marine environment;
  • Forestry;
  • REDD+;
  • climate resilience /adaptation;
  • food security; and
  • bioenergy (includes biofuels)
Environmental Governance
  • Environmental education;
  • global funding / capacity building;
  • trust- and confidence-building in policy
    debates and multilateral environmental
    agreement (MEA) negotiations; and
  • environment outlooks
The workshop-based approach of the conference will allow participants to engage in in-depth discussion of topics that are of particular interest.
In addition, plenary and other public sessions will be held to provide a more comprehensive overview and further enrich the dialogue.
The final outcome will take into account both the various discussions generated during the conference as well as conclusions from previous ENVforum roundtables. This should result in a set of relevant action-oriented recommendations with an outlook to the future and concrete proposals for joint action that can be useful to ASEM governments at the local, national, regional and bi-regional levels. It will be disseminated through channels contributing to ASEM summit in October 2010 in Brussels, Belgium, the UNFCCC COP 16 in Mexico City, Mexico, as well as other international fora.
Moreover, the conference is designed to catalyse stronger Asia-Europe action, contributing towards the ASEM agenda, as the world gears toward the Rio+20 Earth Summit 2012.

Approximately 150 ASEM nationals who are experts in the different areas of sustainability, development and the environment in Asia and Europe are expected to attend. They will be representatives of government, civil society and the business community.
The final selection of speakers and participants will be done by the ENVforum co-organisers, in order to ensure a balanced representation of all ASEM nationals at the conference.

FormatInterested organisations are invited to submit a maximum four-page proposal for a possible workshop idea, following the proposed format in ANNEXE 1.
Selection Criteria
  • Workshops should be prepared in joint co-operation of at least one Asian and one European organisation.
  • Workshops should cover the topics relevant for both regions.
  • Proposals should include a section to elaborate how the proposed topic is most closely related to one or more of the three conference topics, namely, the green economy; biodiversity and ecosystem services; and, environmental governance.
It is recommended to include the perspectives of different stakeholders by encouraging their participation as co-hosts or speakers/participants for the proposed workshop.
Submission Documents
Workshop proposals should be submitted along with the Memorandum of Understanding(s) among the partner institutions (please indicate leading institution).

Interested organisations should submit workshop proposals by e-mail for further consideration by 25th April 2010.

Successful workshop hosts will be eligible for the following support from the ENVforum co-organisers:
  • Extensive networking opportunities with relevant experts in the different areas of sustainability, development and the environment in Asia and Europe.
  • Secretariat support prior, during and after the conference.
  • Travel subsidies (i.e. point-to-point economy airfare and airport transfers) for a select number of workshop speakers and/or participants from ASEM member countries.
  • Accommodation support for a select number of workshop and/or participants from ASEM member countries.
  • Local hospitality for all workshop participants.
  • The publication of conference proceedings that will disseminated widely among relevant stakeholders in ASEM member countries.

All enquiries and submissions must be addressed to:
          Ms Grazyna Pulawska
          Project Executive, Intellectual Exchange
          Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)
          31 Heng Mui Keng Terrace 119595 Singapore
          Phone: +65-6874-9710
          E-Mail: env@asef.org

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