Monday, October 25, 2010

I am the next-generation antivirus: Fighting HIV/AIDS through Responsible Choices” online video contest for young people

In an effort to increase awareness on HIV/AIDS prevention among the Filipino youth, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) National Commission of the Philippines and the University of the East College of Education (UE CoEd), have launched the World AIDS Day 2010 Video Contest.

Still on its maiden run, this event is an excellent opportunity for high school students to promote positive values and beliefs towards the prevention of HIV/AIDS, which has been described as “hidden and growing” in the Philippines.

With the theme “I am the next-generation antivirus: Fighting HIV/AIDS through Responsible Choices”, the contest gives teenagers an opportunity to promote the cause through the use of the Internet (named one of the most popular after-school activities in the 2006 McCann-Erickson Youth Study) and multimedia.
Youngsters can showcase their talents in producing short videos by uploading their original, theme-related works to YouTube, the largest and most popular video-sharing community.

With its wide reach and worldwide juvenile following, YouTube is the most fitting avenue for this advocacy.
HIV/AIDS is a dreaded disease that is slowly gaining ground, with no signs of abating, mostly because of the difficulty to detect the illness due to commonplace early symptoms, and because of complicated management issues due to its complex nature and delicate transmission.

Hard-hit are the third-world countries just like the Philippines, with higher statistics and more casualties because of lack of awareness and lack of access to medication and treatment.

Worse, youth ages 15-24 have been identified as the age group with the highest risk of contracting the disease.
This underlines a greater need for vigilance, advocacy and support, especially among the young, and this activity aspires to do just that.

The contest is open to young adults attending public and private schools in Manila, one of the top five cities with the highest incidence of AIDS in the Philippines.

Two winners will be named: the Critic’s Choice award will be chosen by a 3-member jury panel (one of whom is a member of the PLHIV community), while the People’s Choice will be given to the video with the most number of online votes. Winners will each be receiving a P10,000.00 prize.

Deadline for submission of entries will be on November 15, 2010. Winners will be announced and awarded during the World AIDS Day on December 1, 2010 at the University of the East, C.M. Recto Ave., Manila.
For more details, please contact Remi or Marilou at 735-5471 loc. 384 or 385 or email us at 

For contest mechanics, downloadable entry forms and other online info, you may also log on at or 


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