Wednesday, April 27, 2011

3rd DREaM International Students Summer Program

June 26 – July 6, 2011

The 3rd DREaM International Students Summer Program is proudly organized by the Office of International Affairs with the relentless support and contribution of student volunteers. It is scheduled to be taking place on June 26 – July 6, 2011. We expect 100 students from different countries to join in this event.
DREaM 2011 highlights “Social Entrepeneurship” as the theme for the entire upcoming programs and this is in consonance with University’s mission of contributing to the development of our society. Social entrepeneur will identify social issues and fing solutions by applying entrepeneural approach. Furthermore, a social entreprise performs as an agent of change that improves system, discovers and spreads new strategies, and enhances solutions based on the involvement of local changemakers. Their ideas are practical, visionary, engaging people, and targeted towards long-term transformation. The most distinguished features of social entrepeneurship shall be its efforst in providing access for the disadvantaged and unleashing potentials of society to impact social change.
More info here

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