Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Asian Development Bank-Government of Japan Scholarship Program

What is the Asian Development Bank-Government of Japan Scholarship Program?

The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan.
It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.

What does the scholarship cover?

The ADB-JSP provides
  • full tuition fees
  • a monthly subsistence and housing allowance
  • an allowance for books and instructional materials
  • medical insurance
  • travel expenses
For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation.
In special circumstances computer literacy, preparatory language and other similar courses may be covered under the scholarship.

What is the duration of the scholarship award?

The scholarship is for one year with an extension to the second year of study, as appropriate, which shall be conditional on the scholar maintaining a satisfactory level of performance as determined by the institute.
The maximum duration of scholarship award is two years for masters and doctorate programs.

What are the eligibility requirements for ADB-JSP?

  1. A national of an ADB borrowing member country (applicants from countries that are no longer borrowing from ADB are not eligible for the ADB-JSP Scholarship).
  2. Gained admission to an approved MA/PhD course at an academic institution .
  3. A bachelor's degree or its equivalent with superior academic record.
  4. At least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience (acquired after a university degree) at the time of application. Proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies.
  5. Not more than 35 years old at the time of application. In exceptional cases, for programs which are appropriate for senior officials and managers, the age limit is 45 years old.
  6. In good health.
  7. Should agree to return to his/her home country after completion of studies under the Program.
  8. Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned are not eligible for the Scholarship.
  9. Staff of academic institutions are not eligible for the Scholarship.
  10. Applicants living or working in a country other than his/her home country are not eligible for scholarships.
  11. ADB-JSP does not support applicants who are already enrolled in graduate degree programs.
  12. ADB-JSP does not sponsor undergraduate studies, distance learning programs, short-term training, conferences, seminars, thesis writing, and research projects.
More info:

World Bank Young Professional Program

The Young Professionals Program (YPP) is a starting point for an exciting career in the World Bank.

It is a unique opportunity for young people who have both a passion for international development and the potential to become future global leaders. The Program is designed for highly qualified and motivated individuals skilled in areas relevant to the World Bank’s operations such as, economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management. In order to be competitive for this highly selective program, candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to development, proven academic success, professional achievement, and leadership capability. We value diversity in our workplace, and encourage qualified men and women with diverse professional, academic and cultural backgrounds to apply. Since its inception, the YP Program has hired over 1,500 people who now hold position ranging from entry-level to vice presidents and managing directors. It is a unique opportunity to experience development and gain exposure to the World Bank’s operations and policies.

Minimum Requirements

The following are minimum requirements to be eligible for the Young Professionals Program.
  • Be 32 years of age or younger (i.e. born on or after September 30, 1979)
  • Have a Master’s degree or equivalent [?]
  • Be fluent in English
  • Be fully proficient in one or more of the Bank’s working languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
  • Specialize in a field relevant to the World Bank’s operations such as economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management
  • Have at least 3 years of relevant experience at the policy level or continued academic study at the doctoral level.

Additional Qualifications

In order to be competitive for the limited number of positions, a combination of the following credentials is highly desirable:
  • Display a commitment and passion for international development
  • Possess outstanding academic credentials
  • Exhibit excellent client engagement and team leadership skills
  • Have international development country experience
  • Be motivated to relocate and undertake country assignments
Please note that the Young Professionals Program does not recruit individuals with degrees in disciplines such as: Computer Science, HR, Accounting, Marketing, Law and Linguistics unless they are combined with other relevant degrees that are listed above.

More info:

Rotary Peace Fellowships International Program


Rotary Peace Fellows are leaders promoting national and international cooperation, peace, and the successful resolution of conflict throughout their lives, in their careers, and through service activities. Fellows can earn either a master’s degree in international relations, public administration, sustainable development, peace studies, conflict resolution, or a related field, or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict resolution.

Alumni work in a variety of areas, including grassroots and local nongovernmental organizations, national governments, the military, law enforcement, and bilateral and international organizations such as the United Nations, World Bank, International Organization for Migration, and Organization of American States. Graduates of the Rotary Peace Centers program also benefit from the support of a worldwide network of more than 500 alumni committed to building peace.

Through the Rotary Peace Centers program and The Rotary Foundation, Rotarians can increase their effectiveness in promoting greater tolerance and cooperation among peoples,
leading to world understanding and peace.

Rotary Peace Fellows must locate funds to pay for all expenses that are not specifically funded by their fellowship, such as mandatory health insurance (excluding the certificate program, which covers this expense) and visas.  (professional development certificate)

Applicants for a Rotary Peace Fellowship should have:

• A commitment to international understanding and peace, demonstrated through their professional and academic achievements and personal and community service activities
• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a related field with strong grades at the time of application
• Minimum three years’ combined paid or unpaid full-time relevant work experience for the master’s degree program
• Minimum five years’ relevant work experience with current full-time employment in a mid- to upper-level position for the certificate program
• Proficiency in English and a second language for the master’s program or in English for the certificate program
• Excellent leadership skills

Rotary Peace Fellowships fund either master’s degree or professional development certificate study at one of the six
Rotary Peace Centers for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution at seven universities worldwide.

Fellowship funding includes

• Tuition and fees
• Room and board
• Round-trip transportation
• Internship (master’s degree) or field study expenses
(professional development certificate)

Applicants for a Rotary Peace Fellowship should have:

• A commitment to international understanding and peace, demonstrated through their professional and academic achievements and personal and community service activities
• Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a related field with strong grades at the time of application
• Minimum three years’ combined paid or unpaid full-time relevant work experience for the master’s degree program
• Minimum five years’ relevant work experience with current full-time employment in a mid- to upper-level position for the certificate program
• Proficiency in English and a second language for the master’s program or in English for the certificate program
• Excellent leadership skills

Read more

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Public Policy and Good Governance Master 2011

Corruption, non-transparent decision-making, limited possibilities of participation and social discrimination continue to pose a challenge for every society – including Germany. Professionals and leaders with an awareness of related problems and the knowledge and capacity to find solutions for them are required for the implementation of transparent, efficient and democratic governance based on the rule of law and social justice. Development agencies have promoted and advocated Good Governance in developing countries for some twenty years now. German universities have also taken up this topic and have developed practise oriented degree programmes that qualify students to assume leading positions in politics and administration.

Since 2009, the DAAD programme "Public Policy and Good Governance” (PPGG) is supporting future leaders from Africa, Latin-America, South-Asia, Southeast-Asia and the Middle-East who want to promote democracy and social justice in their home countries. The programme, which is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, offers the chance to acquire a Master’s degree in Master programmes of particular relevance for the social, political and economic development in the students’ countries of origin. In the light of the principles of Good Governance, highly qualified graduates with a first academic degree are being educated in political science, law, economics and administration and prepared for future leading positions in their home countries. In addition, the scholarship holders will hopefully continue to be qualified contact persons for German politics and economy after their return.

Besides supporting Good Governance and civil society structures in selected partner regions, the PPGG-programme also contributes to the internationalisation of the participating German universities and provides the German fellow students with insights into the world beyond Western industrialized countries.

More info here:
Deadline: 31 July 2011 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Australia Awards - Development Awards

The Australia Awards – Development Awards support the objectives of the Australia-Philippines Development Assistance Strategy (DAS) 2007-2011 in:
  • improving basic education
  • promoting national stability and human security
  • supporting economic growth

In line with these objectives, scholarships are awarded to select partners and individuals to support capacity building, human resource and organisation development.

Scholarship Categories

1. Targeted – awarded to partner organizations (government/ non government, private) with mandates supporting mutual priorities of Australia and the Philippines as reflected in the DAS. The Facility Board of the Philippines Australia Human Resource and Organisational Development Facility (PAHRODF) determines the partner organizations.

2. Open-targeted – are open to individuals (public and private sectors) planning to pursue post-graduate studies in:
  • Basic Education
  • Social Protection/Welfare
  • Peace and Development
  • Public Financial Management
  • Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Organisational Development/HRMD
  • Trade
  • Foreign Relations
  • Pandemics (Preparedness and Management)
Successful candidates from both categories will be awarded post-graduate (Masters Degree or PhD) Australian Development Scholarships (ADS). Exceptional nominated awardees are eligible to compete for the global Australian Leadership Awards Scholarships (ALAS).

Equal opportunities are accorded to female and male applicants. Special considerations are given to Persons with Disabilities.

Deadline: 31 May 2011
More info on application, and application forms:

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Global Model UN(GMUN) Conference

 United Nations is inviting applicants to 2011 Global Model UN(GMUN) Conference in Incheon, Republic of Korea; who are between ages 18-26. deadline for applications extended: 30 May 2011. 
download application form @

I am A Changemaker

Social Enterprise business plan competition


We are looking for a new breed of entrepreneurs who dream up innovative solutions to help solve problems in their communities.

This new breed of people are called Social Entrepreneurs - a distinct group of individuals with a definite and more positive attitude towards entrepreneurship.

Social Entrepreneurs* act as change agents for society, seizing opportunities others miss and improving systems, inventing new approaches, and creating solutions to change society for the better.

They change the face of business by spotting social problems and issues and find innovative ways to address them.

They are ambitious and persistent, tackling major social issues and offering new ideas for wide-scale change.

Rather than leaving societal needs to the government or business sectors, social entrepreneurs find what is not working and solve the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution, and persuading entire societies to take new leaps.


I am A Changemaker operates like a business plan competition, awarding seed capital directly to the best social enterprise idea that best meets our criteria.

It provides a vehicle for taking innovations from idea to reality, and is a real-world exercise for improving your skills in:

Starting a Project/Business
Pitching ideas to possible investors
Building networks

No matter what your idea may be, we challenge you to unleash your ideas, energy and idealism to affect positive social change in our society. The only limit to the range of projects eligible for the award is your ambition and imagination.

3rd DREaM International Students Summer Program

June 26 – July 6, 2011

The 3rd DREaM International Students Summer Program is proudly organized by the Office of International Affairs with the relentless support and contribution of student volunteers. It is scheduled to be taking place on June 26 – July 6, 2011. We expect 100 students from different countries to join in this event.
DREaM 2011 highlights “Social Entrepeneurship” as the theme for the entire upcoming programs and this is in consonance with University’s mission of contributing to the development of our society. Social entrepeneur will identify social issues and fing solutions by applying entrepeneural approach. Furthermore, a social entreprise performs as an agent of change that improves system, discovers and spreads new strategies, and enhances solutions based on the involvement of local changemakers. Their ideas are practical, visionary, engaging people, and targeted towards long-term transformation. The most distinguished features of social entrepeneurship shall be its efforst in providing access for the disadvantaged and unleashing potentials of society to impact social change.
More info here



Good Work @ Cannes Lions

Are you film maker who wants a chance to go to the Cannes Lion Festival?
Video advert needed for APYN

Got ideas for promoting human rights in a video? Our brief to YouTube’s online video contest “Good Work” was accepted! This is a competition where creative people from around the world are invited to submit a one-minute (or less) video advertisement to address one or more of the non-profit briefs. The contest is launched by YouTube and Cannes Lions.
Don’t miss the chance to showcase your brilliant idea! Pick up your video camera now and submit a video for APYN! We hope that your video will inspire young people in the Asia Pacific region to protect and promote human rights! The winner will receive a full delegate pass to the Cannes Lion Festival, including travel and accommodation. For further competition details see here:
You may want to include one or more of the following keywords in your video: youth as agents of change / YOU(th) / human rights / youth network / dignity / voice / action / What do you think?/ Asia Pacific
Entries in any languages spoken in the Asia Pacific region are accepted. A few questions may come to your mind about APYN:
  • What is Asia Pacific Youth Network (APYN)?
    The Asia Pacific Youth Network is for Youth, by Youth and with Youth from around the Asia Pacific region. We connect young people in the Asia Pacific who want to make human rights change happen
  • Who participates in APYN?
    This network is open to all individuals desiring social change and it aims to connect like minded young people in the Asia Pacific who are interested in campaigning on issues that matter to them and, to open doors to finding out more and to create opportunities to act.
  • What can you(th) do with APYN?
    You can get involved by volunteering to participate in human rights campaigning activities, volunteering your skills and networks, sharing with other young people through capacity building activities.
We can’t wait to see your entries!! The last day of submitting entries is 9 May, so hurry up!
Watch an example video here:

More information here

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Geneva Special Youth Programme (SYP) – 9 months remunerated fellowship, Geneva

Closing Date: Monday, 09 May 2011
UNAIDS is an innovative United Nations partnership that leads and inspires the world in achieving universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. UNAIDS’ Cosponsors include UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, UNDP, UNFPA, UNODC, ILO, UNESCO, WHO and the World Bank. Visit the UNAIDS Web site at

Vacancy No.: UNAIDS/11/TA1
Title: Special Youth Programme (SYP) – 9 months remunerated fellowship
Grade: P level
Contract type: Temporary appointment
Application Deadline: 9 May 2011
Organization unit: AI UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (AI)

Duty station: Geneva Switzerland


The UNAIDS Special Youth Programme seeks to recruit young people aged 20-24 from developing countries with some programme experience in HIV related issues to join UNAIDS for a 9-month remunerated fellowship. The fellowship is divided into two sections: an initial fellowship in UNAIDS Geneva, followed – upon satisfactory performance – by a continued fellowship in the UNAIDS country office (UCO) in the fellow’s country of origin. The expected dates of the fellowship are from August 2011-May 2012.
The programme seeks to achieve the following objectives:
  • To create opportunities at appropriate levels of the organization to engage youth in policy development and programming;
  • To help build the capacity of young people and strengthen their leadership skills to contribute to the AIDS response, especially at the country level;
  • To sensitize both young people and UNAIDS staff on various modalities of working together to address issues related to HIV, particularly youth concerns, gender, human rights and greater involvement of people living with HIV.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Green ICT Application Challenge

 Call for Concept Papers for ITU’s Green ICT Application Challenge
As the leading United Nations Agency for Information and Communication Technology (ICT), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) plays a leading role in developing an integrated approach to the relation between ICTs and climate change.

Climate change and environmental sustainability are multi-faceted challenges that call for a wide range of responses. As a unique intergovernmental organization with participation from the private sector, ITU is a major facilitator of initiatives to speed-up reductions in ICT-related GHG emission and promotion of energy efficiency.

What is the Challenge about? 

ITU is hosting a Green ICT Application Challenge to find the best and most innovative Concept Paper for an ICT application that would help combat climate change. Topics of interest for this Challenge include, but are not limited to:
  • Mitigation of climate change through energy efficiency in sectors such as smart buildings, intelligent transportation systems, smart homes, etc.
  • Community engagement
  • Eco-design
  • Monitoring climate change
  • Measurement of GHG emissions
  • Adaptation to climate change (e.g. use of applications for emergency telecommunications and alerting systems for disaster relief)
for more info:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

National Geographic Traveller Photo Contest 2011

The 2011 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest submission period runs from April 5 to July 11. But don't dilly-dally! More than 3,700 photographers entered nearly 11,000 images in last year's competition. The pictures captured an assortment of the places, wildlife, and people that make traveling memorable, evoking a sense of delight or discovery—or both. For the 23rd year, we are inviting readers to share their photos of the world around them.

Submit digital entries online in any of these four categories:

Travel Portraits: Locals working, playing, celebrating
Outdoor Scenes: Landscapes, aerials, wildlife, waterscapes
Sense of Place: Pictures that evoke the essence of a place
Spontaneous Moments: Fun, quirky, surprising, and unrehearsed moments

Entries are $15 from April 5 to June 27, and an additional $10 per entry from June 28 to July 11. For more information, please check out our Rules and FAQ.

Winning images will be showcased in the November/December 2011 issue of National Geographic Traveler magazine. You'll also have a chance at winning one of these amazing prizes:

First prize
Fourteen-day expedition for two to the British and Irish Isles aboard the National Geographic Explorer

Second prize
Nine-night hotel stay at Trident Hotels in India, including stays in Agra, Delhi, Jaipur, and Udaipur

Third prize
Intensive two-and-a-half-day photo workshop at Santa Fe Workshops

Seven merit prizes
$200 gift certificate to B&H Photo

“Why do I want to go to the UK?” Essay Writing Competition



British Council Essay Writing Contest Guidelines:

This essay contest is organised by the British Council Philippines and St. Edmund’s College.

The topic of the essay is “Why do I want to go to the UK?”

All applicants who wish to enter the contest must abide by all the guidelines, terms and conditions set forth by the British Council Philippines.

For more info, go to:

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Global Changemakers Asia Youth Summit 2011

17 - 23 July 

Who can apply?
  • Social entrepreneurs, community activists and volunteers aged 18-24 (on 17 July)
  • Applicants must be able to make themselves available in India from 17-23 July
  • They must not have taken part in any previous Global Changemakers summits
  • They must be able to communicate comfortably in English
  • They must be residents of one of the countries listed below or UK citizens; if they are from the United Kingdom, they must have a clear link to Asia (e.g. migrant background, residence in Asia, project work in the region), which should be explained in the application

Deadline: 17 April 2011

AGFUND International Prize for Pioneering Human Development Projects

The Arab Gulf Programme for Development (AGFUND) has opened the door for nominations for the AGFUND International Prize for Pioneering Human Development Projects. It invites the United Nations, international, and regional organizations as well as NGOs, ministries, public institutions, universities, and research centres worldwide to submit their nominations for the Prize amounting to $500 000 in its four Categories. The theme of the prize for the year 2011 is 'Empowering Youth through Entrepreneurship and Job Opportunities.' subdivided to match the four categories of the Prize are as follows:

First Category:
The role of international organizations in supporting the developing countries' national policies and programs for empowering youth through entrepreneurships and job opportunities. (For projects implemented by UN, international or regional organizations)

Second Category:
NGOs-led efforts to empowering youth through entrepreneurships and job opportunities. (For projects implemented by national NGOs).

Third Category:
The governmental bodies’ efforts in adoption of pioneering entrepreneurships for empowering youth and increasing their job opportunities. ((For projects by government ministries and public institutions).

Fourth Category:
Individual-led efforts to empowering youth through entrepreneurships and job opportunities. (For projects initiated, sponsored and/or implemented by individuals).
The projects submitted for the Prize are evaluated with high objectivity and transparency by juries chosen every year with regard to the experience and specialization relevant to the Prize theme. The number of projects which have won the Prize since its inception in 1999 amounts to 38 projects, implemented by UN and international organizations as well as NGOs and individuals. More than one hundred developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and Eastern Europe have benefited from the prize.

The Prize Committee is composed a number of distinguished world personalities representing the world's geographical regions. The Committee convenes annually to discuss the evaluation results of the nominated projects and to choose the winning projects. Prizes are presented in a ceremony to which representatives of the winning organizations, specialists and experts in the field of development, celebrities interested in development issues, and media representatives are invited.

The Communications Department is receiving nominations at:

Arab Gulf Programme for Development: Riyadh 11415, P.O. Box 18371, KSA; or the email address

For more information and for downloading the nomination form, please visit the AGFUND website

Nomination forms will be accepted until 31 May 2011.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Romanian Government Scholarships for International Students

Number of scholarships: 85 scholarships for under- and post-graduate studies in Romania, by means of selection of application files organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports (MECTS), in keeping with Romanian current legislation.

Who can qualify : citizens ofnon EU countries (irrespective of their country of residence). Priority is given to citizens from non EU states with which Romania does not have cultural cooperation agreements. Mention should be made that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova benefit from other scholarship programmes.
The scholarships are granted for three levels of study:
  • for the first cycle (licenta): This scheme is dedicated to graduates of high schools or of equivalent pre-university systems, as well as to candidates who require the equivalation of partial studies and the continuation of their studies in Romania. The complete cycle of university studies lasts for 3 to 6 years, according to the specific requirements of the chosen faculty, and ends with a final examination (licenta);
  • for the 2nd cycle (master): This scheme is dedicated to graduates of university/post graduate studies; it lasts for 1,5 to 2 years and ends with a dissertation;
  • for the 3rd cycle (doctorate) this scheme is dedicated to the graduates of university/postgraduate studies (i.e. master); it lasts for 3-4 years, in keeping with the specific requirements of the chosen faculty, and end with a doctor’s thesis.
Priority fields: priority will be given to the candidates applying for: political and administrative sciences, education studies, Romanian culture and civilization, journalism, technical studies, oil and gas, agricultural studies, veterinary medicine, architecture, art. Requests for other fields will also be taken into account. 
Languge of Study: In order to promote Romanian language and culture, the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports has decided that the beneficiaries of the scholarships should study only in the Romanian language. The candidates who do not know Romanian are offered one supplementary preparatory year to study the language.

Financial support:
* 1st cycle (licenta):  monthly amount representing: the equivalent in Romanian currency of 65 EURO per month, for the under-graduate students
*2nd cycle (master): monthly amount representing: the equivalent in Romanian currency of 75 EURO per month, for post-graduate students (master degrees and specialization)
* 3rd cycle (doctorate): monthly amount representing: the equivalent in Romanian currency of 85 EURO per month, for post graduate students (doctor’s degree)

WTO Essay Award for Young Economists

The annual WTO Essay Award consists of a prize of CHF 5,000 to the author(s) of the winning essay. In the case of a co-authored paper, the prize will be equally divided among the authors. The winning paper will be officially announced at the annual meeting of the European Trade Study Group (ETSG), which is currently the largest conference specializing in international trade. The award ceremony will take place in September 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The winning author(s) will receive funding to attend the meeting.

An Academic Selection Panel is responsible for the selection of the winning paper. The Panel comprises:
  • Professor Avinash Dixit (Princeton University)
  • Professor Robert Staiger (Stanford University)
  • Professor Alberto Trejos (INCAE Business School).
Ex officio panel members will include Dr Patrick Low (Director, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO Secretariat) and Dr Hakim Ben Hammouda (Director, Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation, WTO Secretariat).
Dr Michele Ruta (Economist, Economic Research and Statistics Division, WTO) coordinates the work of the Selection Panel.

The paper must address issues related to the economics of the WTO.  Possible topics include the effects and design of trade agreements, contingent protection, trade facilitation, Aid for Trade, the economic aspects of dispute settlement, regional versus multilateral integration, trade agreements and the environment. The author(s) of the paper must possess or be engaged in the completion of a PhD degree and, if over 30 years of age, be no more than two years past a PhD defence. In the case of co-authored papers, this requirement shall apply to all authors. In addition, to be considered for the Award, essays cannot exceed 15,000 words

Friday, April 1, 2011

World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2011

Incheon Songdo, South Korea
23 August, 2011 - 25 August, 2011

The main theme for the Congress is “Korean Politics in Global Contexts: Theories and Practices.” Contributions are invited for the congress that aims at vigorous discussion of the latest political developments in and around Korea covering, but not limited to, a variety of themes of study such as: (1) Research methodology of Korean political science: theories and issues; (2) Korean political studies: views from the outside; (3) Democratic process and national governance; (4) Rule of the law and social conflicts; (5) Social polarization and fair society; (6) Dynamics of the state, market, and civil society; (7) Political and social thoughts: the classic schools of thought and their alternatives, the universal and theparticular, and the East and the West; (8) Continuity and discontinuity in Korean political history: global implications; (9) Political leadership and political ethics; (10) World economy and Korean political economy; (11) North Korean regime and inter-Korean issues; (12) World security system and peace in the Korean peninsula; (13) The changing East Asian order and Korean politics; (14) Human security and global governance, (15) Multi-cultural and multi-religious society and identity politics; (16) Welfare and political economy in the aging society; (17) Gender equality and social justice; (18) Local politics and glocalization; (19) Presidential and parliamentary elections in 2012 and the future of Korean politics.

Please submit a paper or panel proposal with an abstract not exceeding 300 words through the KPSA homepage ( to present at the 2011 World Congress.

For further information concerning the conference and the application process, please contact the Program Director, Dr. Ji-Whan Yun, at

Deadline: 15 April 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

UN Habitat Urban Youth Fund

This Fund supports urban youth in developing countries. It aims to advance the achievements of the Millennium Development goals and the Habitat Agenda by providing grants up to USD 25,000 to youth-led projects piloting innovative approaches to employment, good urban governance, shelter and secure tenure.

Third call for applications opens 15th February 2011

38th Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP)

The application for the 38th Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) is now open.
Click on the link below to download the application forms.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Australian Development Scholarships

The Australian Government Aid Program is offering 40 Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) for Masters and Doctorate degree programs at Australian higher education institutions for study commencing in June 2011. Applicants from government and non-government sectors are encouraged to apply between 10 January – 07 February 2011. Deadline for submission of all applications is at 5:00 PM (Manila Time) on 07 February 2011.
Programs of study must relate to the following fields: Basic Education; Social Protection/Welfare; Peace and Development; Public Financial Management; Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; Climate Change Adaptation; Organisational Development/Human Resource Management and Development; Trade; Foreign Relations; Pandemics (Preparedness and Management).
Scholarship entitlements include pre-departure support, visa expenses, full tuition fees, roundtrip airfare, establishment allowance, cost of living expenses, introductory academic program, overseas student health cover, tutorial assistance if required, and fieldwork support for research students.
Successful applicants are required to return to the Philippines for at least two years after completion of the scholarship and contribute to the development of the country.
All candidates shall be subject to the ADS general eligibility requirements and Philippines-specific criteria and selection process. Below are application requirements:
  • Bachelor’s Degree (original transcript of record, certificate of completion, and at least GPA of 2.0 or equivalent)
  • Valid IELTS/TOEFL results
  • Curriculum vitae
  • NBI clearance (no derogatory record) and certificate of no pending case from employer, if currently employed
  • Certificate of no pending scholarship obligation from employer, if currently employed
  • A 2-page concept paper outlining how the skills acquired in Australia will be used to contribute to development in the Philippines
  • For Doctoral applicants, an unconditional offer letter from an Australian university and copy of thesis proposal
Visit the following sites for further information:
The ADS is a bilateral scholarship program of the Australian Government. It aims to contribute to the long term development needs of the Philippines and to promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia and the Philippines. It provides opportunities to Filipinos to undertake fulltime postgraduate study in Australia. Since 1997, over 1200 Filipinos have been granted ADS scholarships.
Successful applicants will be contacted for interview in February 2011 (tentative schedule of interview is 21 February 2011).

Human Rights and Drug Policy

11 - 22 July 2011
Budapest, Hungary 

In cooperation with Global Drug Policy Program, Open Society Institute

The course aims to situate drug policies globally within a framework of fundamental human rights, and to assess the extent to which country and international drug policies fail to meet human rights standards. Discussion will focus partly on the identification and understanding of human rights including those that have their basis in international agreements and laws, and in part on evaluation and assessment of the gap between rights and practice in the implementation of drug policies in many countries and regions. The focus of the course will be global and participants will be drawn from all regions internationally.

A mix of teaching modes will be used and faculty are encouraged to minimise the use of formal lectures. Emphasis will be on discussion and interactive learning with maximal use of written and non-written materials. There exist considerable amounts of audio-visual media and these will be extensively used as a basis for group discussion. Time will be allocated for personal reading and participants will be encouraged to interact personally with faculty so as to deepen understanding of the issues. Site visits and discussions with civil society organisations and groups will be a feature of the programme of activities.

All those attending the course will be provided by CEU with a Certificate of Attendance. Opportunities will also be provided during the course for personal discussions with Faculty. It is intended that further work after the conclusion of the course be encouraged both in respect of research and programme analysis and development. Course faculty will be prepared to provide follow up assistance through personal agreement with students.

Application deadline: 15 February 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

2012-2013 Fulbright Scholarship

Scholarship to Filipinos to study at the graduate level (master's or doctoral studies) or pursue non-degree doctoral enrichment or doctoral dissertation research in the United States.
Grants under the Philippine Fulbright Student Program are for a maximum of one academic year for non-degree, one to two years for master's, and two years for doctoral degree studies. The grant provides for round-trip international travel, monthly maintenance allowance, tuition and fees, book/supplies allowance, and health and accident insurance.

Fields of Study:

  1. Study of the United States - the study of American culture, life and society through such fields as government, education, arts and humanities, law, economics, literature, history, the multi-disciplinary field of American Studies or any other humaniities or social science field with significant study of the US subject matter.
  2. Global Issues - Fields of study include the environment, human rights, civic education, governance and public administration, peace studies/conflict transformation, international relations and transnational issues, international economics, international business, international law, and information and communication technology (ICT).
  3. Open Grants - Fields of study not covered by the first two field categories EXCEPT engineering, medicine, nursing, and other health-related disciplines, applied mathematics, and applied sciences.

General Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Philippine citizenship
  2. English proficiency
  3. College degree with major in field of specialization; excellent undergraduate record
  4. Applicants must have at least two years of professional work experience (after college) in their field of specialization.
  5. Applicants for the degree programs must be no older than 40 years of age at the time of application. This age requirement is waived for non-degree study.
  6. Applicants must be in good health to pursue graduate work in the US.
  7. Applicants must return to the Philippines immediately upon completion of study.
  8. Non-degree applicants must meet the added requirements:
    1. Applicants for doctoral enrichment must be enrolled in a relevant study program in a Philippine university
    2. Applicants for doctoral dissertation must show proof that materials required to pursue research are not available in the Philippines but are available in the United States.
Individuals holding dual citizenship, are permanent residents and/or are presently studying in the US are not eligible.

Required Documents:

  1. Official or certified transcript of records from all colleges/universities attended
  2. Certified true copy of diploma (not original)
  3. Four letters of reference (forms are included with the application kit)
  4. Completed 7-page application form
  5. NBI Clearance acquired in the past 6 months
Printed copy of completed applications must be received at the PAEF office on or before March 25, 2011.
Grantees are expected to begin their studies in the U.S. in September of 2012.

Application period for 2012-2013 Graduate Student Program is from December 13, 2010 to March 25, 2011.


The Great Wall Fellowship program is a full scholarship program set up by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) for candidates recommended by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). MOE entrusts China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC) to manage the recruitment and carry out the routine management of this scholarship program.

This program sponsors general scholars and senior scholars, and in principle the courses will be taught in English with duration up to one year. Candidates who choose programs taught in Chinese are required to get the approval from both CSC and UNESCO on application. With the approval, their scholarship duration will be extended automatically for another year.
Applicants shall apply to the National Commission for UNESCO in their home countries between January and April, 2011.
1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and in good health.
2. Education background and age limit:
- Applicants for general scholar program must have completed at least two years of undergraduate studies and be under the age of 45.
- Applicants for senior scholar program must have master’s degree or above or hold academic title of associate professor or above and be under the age of 50.
- Exempt from registration fee, tuition fee, fee for laboratory experiment, fee for internship, and fee for basic learning materials; and accommodation fee for dormitory on campus;
- Living allowance;
- One-off settlement subsidy after registration;
- Fee for outpatient medical service, Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Program for International Students in China;
- One-off inter-city travel subsidy.
1) Costs of the laboratory experiment or internship beyond the university’s arrangements should be self-afforded.
2) Fee for basic learning materials ONLY covers the necessary learning materials prescribed by the host institution, and other textbook and materials shall be self-afforded.
3) Monthly living allowance is granted to the students through the host institution at the following rates (CNY Yuan per month):
- General scholars: CNY 1,700 Yuan
- Senior scholars: CNY 2,000 Yuan
Scholarship students shall receive their monthly living allowance after registration. New students who register before 15th (15th included) of the registration month will get the full amount of living allowance of that month, and those who register after 15th will get half amount of that month. The graduates will get a living allowance for another 15 days after the graduation date set by the university. The allowance will be terminated from the next month after students suspend their studies, drop school or complete schooling from the university. Monthly living allowance covers school holidays. Scholarship students who missed the monthly living allowance during holidays could be reimbursed upon their return on campus. The allowance will be suspended for at least one month if the students do not register on time without permission from the university in advance, leave for non-health reasons or are absent from the university over a month.
Students who have to suspend their studies for pregnancy or for health reasons are required to go back to their home countries for labor or for treatment. The international travel expenses should be covered by the students themselves. With the university’s approval, the scholarship status can be reserved for up to one year, and their living allowances will be suspended during their leave. The scholarship status will not be reserved for those who suspend their studies for other reasons.
4) New students will get a one-off settlement subsidy upon their arrival in China.
- CNY 1,000 Yuan for new students who will study in China less than one academic year
- CNY 1,500 Yuan for new students who will study in China for one academic year and above
5) Fee for outpatient medical service refers to the outpatient expense in the institution’s hospital or the hospitals appointed by the institution. The students are to cover a certain percentage of expense in accordance with the institution’s relevant regulations.
6) Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Program for International Students in China is provided by MOE for the scholarship students in China against hospitalizing for serious diseases and accidental injuries. The institutions or the appointed medical assistance agencies will provide advancement service for insurance expenses, and claim for compensation with relevant payment receipts from the insurance company according to the stipulated insurance articles. For scholarship students, the individual claim will not be accepted by the insurance company.
7) One-off inter-city travel subsidy (each for coming-in and leaving China)
A hard-seat train ticket (hard-berth train ticket for overnight trip) will be provided for scholarship students traveling
From the port of entry upon registration to the city where the admitting institution or Chinese language training institution or preparatory education institution is located;
From the Chinese language training institution or the preparatory education institution to the city where the university for major study is located;
From the city where the institution is located to the nearest port for departure upon graduation.
Meal and excess of baggage should be self-afforded.
In principle, the port of entry is Beijing, or a port of entry near where the university is located.
8) International travel expenses: self-afforded
The applicants must fill in and provide the following documents truly, correctly and completely (in duplicate).
1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or in English)
Applicants shall fill in and print the application form after submitting it online.
The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on .
Those who cannot apply online shall fill in the application form printed by CSC.
2. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy): Applicants shall also provide proof of studying on application. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized translations in Chinese or English.
4. Recommendation letters: Applicants for senior scholars must submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professors or associate professors.
5. Applicants for music studies are requested to submit a CD of the applicants’ own works. Applicants for fine arts must submit a CD of the applicants’ own works (including two sketches, two color paintings and two other works).
6. A study or research plan in Chinese or in English (no less than 400 words).
7. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (The original copy should be kept by the applicant. The form printed by Chinese quarantine authority could be downloaded from The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take medical examination as it is valid for only 6 months.
The above documents should be forwarded to CSC by April 30th, 2011 via the Permanent Delegation of P.R. China to UNESCO. Individual applications are not accepted by CSC. Application documents will not be returned.
Applicants can choose one academic program and three institutions as their preferences from the Chinese HEIs designated by MOE. Please check the Directory of Chinese Higher Institutions Admitting International Students under Chinese Government Scholarship Program. Only the listed Chinese HEIs in the Directory are available to the applicants for their study in China.
1. CSC will assess all the application documents and CSC reserves the right to make necessary adjustments on the proposed institutions, specialties and duration of study. The qualified applications will be forwarded to institutions for academic competence and they will forward their nominations to CSC for agreement. The applications will be regarded as invalid and will not be accepted if applicants fail to meet the eligibility or the application documents are incomplete.
2. Applicants are required to enclose the admission notice from Chinese HEIs, if they have, in the documents submitted to CSC.
3. Scholarship applicants academically accepted by Chinese HEIs will be officially awarded the Chinese Government Scholarship with the approval from CSC.
4. Students are not permitted, in principle, to change their specialties, institutions, or the duration of study as specified in the Admission Notice.
5. CSC will send the Admission Notice and Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW201) to dispatching authorities by July 31st, 2011, who will forward the documents to the students.