Manila, Philippines
25-31 May 2007
The Asia-Europe Trainings aim at the creation of a platform for the joint development of the Asia-Europe co-operation in the field of youth trainings related to non-formal education, as well as to contribute to the efforts to establish an 'Asia Europe Pool of Trainers'. The establishment of a stable co-operation in the field of trainings and capacity-building for youth organisations forms a part of the Asia-Europe Foundation's efforts to foster intercultural dialogue.
The upcoming Asia-Europe Training for Trainers will be focused on Intercultural Learning, and will be held on 25-31 May 2007 in Manila, Philippines, co-organised by ASEF and the Philippines National Youth Commission (NYC), in close co-operation with the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) and the International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE).
As 'Intercultural Learning' is a key element for the success of any inter-regional project, this year's Training in the Philippines will be constructed around the theme of 'Cultural Diversity', which provides an innovative approach for the development of intercultural capacities beyond stereotypes and prejudices.
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