The United Nations University Office at the United Nations, New York UNU-ONY) is currently recruiting interns for the session running from
August 2007 to January 2008.
UNU-ONY liaises with the UN Secretariat, the Permanent Missions, American academia and foundations in five areas of activities:
* Dissemination/ communication: Showcasing the work of UNU, particularly through public events organized in the UN Secretariat.
* Political and diplomatic linking: Helping to make UNU a stakeholder and
full-fledged partner of the UN system, i.e., its agendas, processes and
* Academic interplay between UNU, the UN system, diplomatic missions to the UN and US academia: Helping to secure the intellectual and
institutional voice of UNU in the UN system, with the diplomatic missions
to the UN and academia in North America.
* Fundraising: Given its geographic proximity to numerous foundations in
the New York-Washington D.C. areas, UNU-NY plays a role in fundraising.
This role can be played at three levels: project level, programme
(RTC/Ps) level, and the overall UNU system level.
* Administrative: UNU-NY plays an important role in administrative support
and coordination (travel, personnel, procurement, finance) between the UNU System and the UN
Intern responsibilities will range widely, encompassing aspects of all of
UNU-ONY's work in New York. Specific tasks may include:
* Facilitating public seminars and invitation-only forums, including
liaising with speakers, planning the agenda, marketing the event,
arranging media coverage, conducting background research and other
responsibilities that are needed to make the event a success.
* Arranging for dissemination of UNU publications.
* Updating and improving UNU-ONY's website.
* Recruiting interns for the Spring session (February 2008-July 2008).
Please note that UNU-ONY internships are full-time commitments and are
Qualifications required:
* Proficiency in Microsoft Office
* Strong writing and research skills
* Strong communication and interpersonal skills
* Ability to work with a team
* Knowledge of at least two official UN languages desirable
How to Apply:
Collect the following application materials:
* Completed internship application form, downloaded from:
http://www.ony. unu.edu/Document s/internapplicat ion.doc
* Cover letter
* Resume/CV
* 1-3 page writing sample in English
* 1-3 page writing sample in another language of your choice (French
* Two letters of recommendation
Submit these materials in a single email to intern@ony.unu. edu< (subject
line: Internship). The deadline for receiving application materials is
May 31, 2007.
United Nations University Office at the United Nations, New York
2 UN Plaza, DC2-2060, New York, New York 10017
Tel: 212-963–6387 • Fax: 212-371-9454 • E-mail: unuona@ony.unu.edu
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